Babysitting (It's Over, isn't it.)

Start from the beginning

Nana: "Oh we ok, everything cool. It's this one right here that is the reason why I'm back." She continued to look at Slayer, who still had a slight smile.

Izuku: "Why? Slayer, what did you do...?"

Slayer: "Well, see, it has something to do with the next verse that is wasn't supposed to happen until much later. But I decided to show it early, and I told a few others of my overseer pals about it, and this one right here overseer didn't take to kindly to what I had down as the original plan."

Nagant: "Babe what did you do?"

Slayer: "I'll tell you later."

Bakugou: "Pft, aren't you supposed to be some really scary dude and you're scared of a little girl?!?"

Slayer: "It's not really her I'm afraid of first off. Second off, it's more of her parents, mainly her mom's and somewhat of her overseer, that worries me really. But most of all what my girlfriends are going to do to me once they found out what I had planned. And third of all this little girl can make you look more clownish without even lifting a finger, don't forget who parents are so by the time she hit UA she can bi*** slap you even as a grown man...oh wait she can do that now HEH!"

Bakugou: "WHAT!?!"

Nana: "Let's not worry about him, this is about you and your actions."

Slayer: "I did change it after all."

Nana: "That doesn't change the fact what you originally was going to do if it wasn't for Handley. Be happy I got her before Toshi or Yori got here."

Slayer: "To be would have made for a painful reaction if I kept it the same and went with the second action." Nana went to stab Slayer, who weaved out the way. "Look, I apologize and decide to change it, but we both know I'm not the worst person, and I'm known for some mess-up shit."

Nana: "And I'm here to return the favor on behalf of Handley. And my parents and siblings. Tell me, who did you keep it the same and go with Handley's first option, or did you go back on your word." Slayer weaved another one of her strikes, but Nana predicted this and was about to hit where he was going to, but when she hit it, it was a clone.

Slayer: "Pft, of course not; I don't go back on a promise when I make it. I did change it, though."

Nana: "I have a good guess but I would like to know another hint."

Slayer: "" Nana threw the number two pencil at him, to which he moved his head to dodge it. Nana had another one and went to strike, and Slayer knocked her hand away and kept avoiding Nana with a slight smile. "If you'll excuse me. Nana and I will be right back." Slayer teleports away.

Nana: "I know where you're going. We're gonna need to have a long chat." Nana activates OFA and speeds away.

Everyone stares at what just happened. A few blink several times.

Mina: "So I'm not the only one who is still completely lost on what happened."

Sero: "I'm still lost."

Death-Sensei: "Anyway we should get to the verse. Guess it down to Nagant and I to hold down the fort while he's gone."

The verse opens up with an older Deku backing some stuff up.

Midnight: "I'm already a fan of this verse." She licks her lips.

Mic: "No! Bad! Bad!" He sprayed her with an anti-horny spray.

Midnight: "Hissssss."

"Are you sure you are ok on your own? I don't mind calling over Kacchan or anyone else to come over and help," said Izuku. "I'm cool, Greenie. I promise I will do this for you guys. Enjoy your day off with your wife, ok." We see a much older-looking Jiro.

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