The Middle Faction (Yakuza Izuku)

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Howdy, Howdy. What this?! I was able to get another chapter of this story up under a 2 months!?! What is this sorcery?! Yeah, I was able to get motive long enough to get another chapter done.

This verse was an interesting one to say the least. For one just like the villain Deku verse, this is a future story plan I have in the back-log I want to do in the future...and the spot I wanted to do in the story was the main issue, but I like how it turn out.

Hope you all,



Verse Found: Yakuza Izuku

Slayer: "Ah the next verse...alright I have to ask someone something first...Eri."

Eri looks up at Slayer.

Slayer: "What I'm about to show is something that hit very close to home with you. I want to ask you if you want to view it. It might seem off and wrong at first but as the verse goes on you understand."

Eri at first tilted her head in confusion, and at first, she was going to sit this one out and go and play in the playroom...but she knew deep down if she wanted to be like a hero like her role models and parents, she going need to learn to face things head on with a smile just like her hero. Eri gained a new determination; she looked at Slayer and nodded her head.

Slayer: "*sigh*...alright...hopefully people don't get upset about what I'm about to show you all."

We open up and see three people walking down a long underground hallway. "Are you sure it is a good idea to talk to these people? Something about them rubs me the wrong way." said an older lady with red hair and glasses on the taller side; she also has a sword attached to her hip.

Mineta: "Mommy, sorry. Mommy, sorry."

Sero: "Dude calm on...yeah can't lie she damn hot!!"

Mitsuki: "Even I have to admit she pull off that look damn well. I wonder who this lady is?"

Ectoplasm: "Could she possibly be related to the Midoriya's?"

Slayer: "Mhmmm yes but no."

Mirko: "And we're back to your cryptic crap, again."

Slayer: "I'm always cryptic when it comes to stuff, heh!"

"I agreed with Rebecca. I get their trying to quote on quote 'fix society' but when that birdman sent us an invitation to meet him I also get the feeling he and his group should not be trusted." said a teenage looking female with medium-long straight blue hair. "I understand Ellira, but we will hear him out first to see how he truly plans to fix this society...even though I still don't believe it needs to be completely broken down and redo, just restructure." We see green-fluffy hair walking in the middle of the two ladies.

Ryukyu: "So we know Midoriya is meeting someone. It's impossible to miss that green hair."

Fat Gum: "Yeah you're right, but the question becomes who is he going to meet?"

Izuku: 'Birdman?...Slayer asks Eri if she wants to stay and watch? I wouldn't...right? But, there are verses out there that make me a villain...if it is what I think it is....please tell me it goes better then what I'm thinking?!'

"You do know we can hear you!! You will be about us with respect!! We are in the same group! KEH!!" "We may be in the same group, but the two groups work completely differently. Your so-called boss, depending on his way, will determine if I really want to work with him... don't forget he wants me to help you all, not the other way around."

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