The Break

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HELLLLLOOOOOOOOO EVERYBODY!!!! Alright I'm going be honest....I didn't think this Chapter took as long as it did!!! I was hoping have this chapter out a lot earlier in the week but things came up in life forcing me to push this chapter back by A LOT!!!! But, here the chapter some of you all have been waiting for. I hope you all Enjoy this one as much I did writing it.


Everyone was silent and was taken back to what they had just watched.

Slayer: "So...that was the Villain deku of many heh. Any questions?" He said with a smile. Gran Torino raised his hand. "Yeah, old man?"

Gran Torino: "I think the first question should be what was the kid quirk? He was moving so fast compared to someone like me I wouldn't even be able to keep up with him."

Slayer: "It calls Flash step, just as it sounds it allows the user to teleport."

Sero: "What the hell man!? That's broken!? How are you supposed to beat something like that?!"

Izuku: "It has its flaws."

Kaminari: "Come on Midoriya you saw what your other selves did right. What possible weakness does that quirk have?"

Izuku: "Well for one, it relies on my other self's actual strength."

Mineta: "Wait, what do you mean actually strength? You broke Bakugo back nearly."

Izuku: "Yeah, but because I use my knee. And if you remember correctly I was training myself to get physically stronger as well. And Slayer says teleport doesn't mean strength enhancer so really if I get in fist fight with someone like Endeavor it wouldn't work so well. But, that is where the knives come into play. Since most people can't defend their entire body I would be allowed to make a decent cut on the human body. Just as we saw with me and Aizawa, his quirk can defend his body. But that also comes with its second weakness."

Fat Gum: "It has another weakness?"

Slayer: "It's the knives."

Snipe: "What?"

Slayer: "It's the knives themselves. If you notice he was teleporting where there was a knife. Think about it, when he threw it at Bakugou he appeared right in front of Mister Boom Boom. And think about how he was able to get to Izumi so quickly and hit her in the air. He also had at least 8 knives on him, to allow him get around the battlefield he threw throughout. The quirk is called Flash step but one thing I forget to mention is how he was able to teleport since he was only teleporting to the knives. He is able to teleport to things or places marked with Flash points. Which in turn means."

Izuku: "I had all the knives marks which said Flash point. That means if you can keep track of the knives there is a chance you know where I could teleport."

Slayer: "But to cover that weakness he has multiple knives to the point it would be difficult to remember each single knife and yourselves making you a very unpredictable fighter. And as you saw in group fights it just makes it all the harder since there is so much chaos to even have a chance you would need fast reflexes to even counter that."

Izuku: "Or a quirk that covers a wide area and range at the same time or a very defense heavy quirk."

Slayer: "But remember all you would have to do is hit a certain joint on the person so that can also take out their quirk."

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