Mad man (Dottore x Reader)

Comenzar desde el principio

"You are really getting on my nerves village idiot.. Work on this bottle. Try and make a solution that can be used as fuel but burns anything other than copper and or iron. Use paper and iron to test it out." 

You were ready to showoff your amazing science skills and create exactly what he needed. You added a few small chunks of scarlet quartz, and some starsilver dust. It isn't much, but the perfect amount of each ore will create the exact thing birdbrain is looking for. You got an iron chunk and poured a little onto the top. Like expected, it didn't react. You then moved onto paper and poured a little on the paper. You made sure to clear the area a bit as the fire will move quickly. As expected the the paper caught on fire. You were quick to put it out though to have a mishap from happening. 

"What is burning-"

"The paper. Like you told me too. I created the perfect formula for your little fuel."

"Doubt it. You probably lit the paper on fire."

"You really think so? Shall I test it on your skin next then?"

"I'd rather not. If you think you created the perfect formula for the fuel show me. Test it both on iron and paper."

Once again you got the iron chunk and poured a little on the top. No reaction. You then tested it on the paper. A reaction, fire.

"Well I'd admit village idiot, you crafted the perfect formula for what I needed. Now go get me some coffee or something. I don't know."

"So I'm your errand person now? After I created the perfect formula within minutes you send me to get you coffee? So rude. Not to mention I don't even know where the coffee it or what you like." You were hoping he would let you stay because of your statements, but the unresponsive birdbrain just responded with simple directions and what coffee he wants. But it wasn't really simple..

"Go out and turn left then on the second door to your right is where the coffee is held. I also like my coffee black with extra cream and make sure the temperature is exactly 120 F/48 C. Now go." He stated it so bluntly while still looking at the bottle of 'perfect fuel'.

"I better get something in return.." You said then made your way to the coffee. You didn't care to measure out the temperature because that takes to long. You headed back as soon as you were done with his coffee. You gave it to him and he took a sip. A sip.

"You didn't measure out the temperature did you? I can tell. It's too cold."

"Well my bad 'your highness' but measuring the temperature for a single cup of coffee is insane." You guessed that was his final straw because he handed it back to you and told you to make it again.


"What do you mean no?"

"I came here because I got a job offer not to be some errand person for a birdbrain like you who can't even figure out a basic formula that took me mere minutes to make. If you don't like your coffee then don't drink it, but I am not making you another one."

"You're in my office, I tell you what your job is."

And with that, you were on your final straw. 

"So I'm going to tell you again sweet pea. Go make me another cup of coffee correctly."

You were fed up with his bull, to the point where you threw his coffee all over him.

"Is it cold now birdbrain?!"

"What the fuck!? You're done for village idiot."

And so the game of tag has happened. You didn't know where you were going so you kept turning corners left and right trying to get him off your tail. You stopped running after a bit when you realized he wasn't on your tail anymore.

"At least that is taken care of-"

"Heya village idiot, looking for me?"


"Get back here! You will pay!"

Although it was a weird thought, the one so called Dottore looked really hot. His white shirt now drenched in coffee was showing his abs and his muscles. No why were you thinking like that. You stopped in the middle of a long and dark creepy hallway to catch a breath and to think over what you just thought about Dottore. You were doing so until you heard a bang on the wall. You aren't the type to get scared easily so you brushed it off. Then a scratch came. And glass shattering. It was like there was a real ghost somewhere within the hallway. Maybe the spirits of the dead comrades? You didn't know but you ran until you found a dark corner. You couldn't see anything from any direction. Possibly your biggest mistake yet, but the noises kept coming and you were scared to death. What if a ghost from the past didn't like you and wanted you to be gone? You huddled in the corner and held your knees against your chest. You were so close to tearing up just because you were alone, afraid, and in the dark. 

"Hey where are you village idiot?"

"Village idiot..?"

"Hey if you don't come out right now I'm going to-" He saw you at your weakest point. You crying and huddled in the corner. He held a lamp and slowly came towards you.

"I didn't mean to scare you that bad. I also didn't think you would get that scared easily. You really aren't that tough after all."

"Shut up and go away.."

"If you want me too. I'll just leave you alone in the dark, in a place you don't know. Your call."

You were hesitant, but soon accepted his offer only because you actually didn't know where to go. 

"Give me your hand. I'll walk you back." He looked away. You could see it barely, but there was a pink tint on his ears and his voice was much softer. You covered your face with your other hand and walked back with Dottore. 

"Don't pour coffee on me again. Next time it will be much worse than this time." He was cleaning your face up a bit. "And don't go over there, it's forbidden for all fatui. But you didn't know any better so oh well. You have to learn the rules one day or another." A small yeah could be heard from you. "I needed your help actually.. I have no idea how you created the perfect fuel I need for my inventions and experiments and I kind of need to know.. Mind telling me?" 

"Sure.. Only because you asked nicely I guess.."

"Great. Now meet me at sundown. We are going to test the fuel in action. Oh but uh.. make some more of course. We can't run all the test we need to on this tiny little bottle can we now?"

"Yeah. But why sundown?"

"Because thats the most beautiful part of day and I want to enjoy it with someone who has the same thought process like me." 

It was obvious he was asking you out on a little date. But hey, that's a story for another time. 

Fatui Harbinger one shots!  !!DISCONTINUED!!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora