Chapter 4

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They went on their way and they reached the place where they found Rose under the spell of the love potion. They quietly sneaked
trough the sleeping guards (gosh their so lazy) and then...

They saw Rose inside a glass container that looks like she's being experimented. The room was filled of wires and some potions.

"Rose..." Hawk thought to himself

"Guys we need to make Rose drink this potion" Fala whispered

"I don't think that will work" A familiar voice said

"Who are you!?" Hawk asked

"Oh you don't recognize me?.... Your enemy...?" Justine said appearing out of the darkness

"You... Your the one who did this Rose..." Hawk said angerly

"Of course, who else will do anything for someone they love?" Justine said with a smirk

"This... Isn't... Love!" Hawk said

Hawk stared to attack Justine with his wand and since Hawk is a pro hero, he got some deep scratches on Justine. Meanwhile with the team, their trying to get Rose out of the container so she can drink the anti-love potion but Justine saw what their doing so he awakened Rose. Rose then opened her eyes and her eyes were now pink because of the love potion.

"Rose... Attack them!" Justine ordered

Rose opened her wand and she casted a pumpkin sword which damaged the gang. Rose then turned to Hawk and attacked him, luckily Hawk dodged it then he summoned his family item- the mirror shield. He dodged Rose's attacks because he didn't want to hurt her.

"Finish him already!" Justine said angerly

Rose nodded then turned to Hawk and started to attack him harder and harder.

"Rose please don't listen to him, this is not who you are!" Hawk plead

"Rose I know you love me and I do too, Rose please come back!" Hawk plead

Hawk keep pleading but it doesn't work because the love potion is the most powerful potion of all. He was ready to give up but then he remembered something.

"Love is the most powerful magic of all..." Cinderella said

That sentence keeps repeating on his mind and he came up with a plan, a plan that would need a... a... a...

"If you want to kill me... Then do it" Hawk said opening his arms for Rose to stab

"Hawk no!" Fala said crying

Rose then charged at him and stabbed him.

"Rose I just wanna let you know that... On the first time we met, I thought your just an energetic, clumsy, and a crazy for shoes but your more than that. Rose Cinderella... I love you..." Hawk said hugging Rose

Then after Hawk finished his sentence, Rose's eyes were back to blue and the curse of the love potion is gone. Hawk then fall to the ground and Rose cried her heart out. The team then ran towards where Rose and Hawk were. Fala did some CPR then nothing happened, everyone thought that Hawk's dead then Travis came to Justine and was about to kill him but Justine quickly vanished. The team searched for Justine and that leaves Rose with Hawk. Rose just cried on his chest none stop.

"Hawk please don't leave me!" Rose cried loudly

"Hawk please, I need you" Rose said softly but still crying

Then she felt someone put a strand of her hair behind her ears.

"Don't cry Princess"

Rose opened her eyes and saw Hawk alive. Her heart was felt with joy and disbelief, her prince was awake like nothing happened.

"You worried me!" Rose said

Hawk just chuckled and put his hand on Rose's cheek then he pulled in for a kiss. The gang (including Fala) saw all of it and they remained silent but Travis coughed then Rose and Hawk got up, Rose was blushing so hard and the team just hugged Hawk.

On their way, the team was teasing the two about the kiss and Rose just ignored them while blushing, Hawk just chuckled.

In the trees, someone was watching them and was planning on revenge. They reached the Cinderella Castle and Rose quickly hopped of Hawk's dragon, excitedly hugged her grandma that was really worried about her.

"Rose!" Cinderella said happily

"I'm back granny!" Rose said happily

"I'm so glad that your ok" Cinderella said hugging her back

"Thank you for returning Rose safe and sound" Cinderella said

"Your team will get an A+" Cinderella said

"Honestly, I don't even care about the grade I'm just happy that Rose is ok" Astoria said

"Uhh did we brought the wrong Astoria or did she just hit her head on something?" Travis teased

Everyone just laughed meanwhile a shadow was gazing from the window, Hawk noticed it and went to look outside then he saw the Cinderella clock isn't working and it's not even midnight. He quickly rushed to Rose and Cinderella and told them to check their wands. Both Rose and Cinderella's wands aren't working.

"Why is my wand isn't working? It's not even midnight" Rose asked tapping her wand

"I think I have an idea who it could be" Hawk said


Sorry guys that it was short, I'm really sick right now and I tried my best to make a chapter but as soon as I feel better I will make long chapters. Anyways I hope you have a great day/night, it's me Luna_Sona your Regal Academy simp telling you to be positive at all cost and only positive emotions will make any day better!

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