Chapter 3

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Rose got ready and then went to the ballroom (in the Cinderella Castle) where the team are, they got the room ready for the dance and then they were finished they had a little break then they dressed on their dresses that they brought with them.

Soon after the ballroom was filled with students and teachers/professors. Cinderella hosted the ball, she clapped her hands and the students got their partners. The princes bowed while the princess just courtesy. They started doing the dance but most of them tremble. The only prince and princess that can do it smoothly is would you know it- Rose Cinderella and Hawk Snow White. . .

Rose's dress starts to glow and Hawks tuxe does the same and all of the people inside the room and even the ones who were watching were mesmerized by their smooth dance. Then after the dance Hawk and Rose felt dizzy, Hawk excused himself to go get a drink. Rose also got to the food table and start munching on some desserts (Rose being Rose) then some time later the room was full of darkness like someone turned off the lights, then a familiar scream was heard. The room was then lit up and everyone was left confused on why that happened. Then on Hawk's side, he was going on the food table to find Rose but she wasn't there, he searched for Rose the whole time but couldn't find her. Then below the food table he saw a familiar tiara. He took a glance at it and recognizes the tiara.

"It all makes sense now!" He thought to himself

He quickly ran to Cinderella and tells her that Rose was kidnapped by someone.

"The black out, the scream, then after the scream the lights were lit up again and most of all the tiara below the food table" Hawk explained to the team and the teachers and professors

"Pumpkin seeds my granddaughter is in danger!" Cinderella said worriedly

"Who could do such a thing?" Astoria asked

"I heard that my daughter is in danger!" Clara (Rose's mom) said running with Dave

"We have to find her!" Lingling said

Everyone nodded and Cinderella ended the ball then they hopped on their dragons and went to search for the little Cinderella.

On the other hand, Rose woke up and saw herself tight up with ropes and her mouth was ducktaped. Then on the corner she saw a familiar face... The person turned around and it was Justine!

"I saw you dancing with that Snow White and I already knew that he will steal you from me" Justine said

"Now I will make you love me and only me!" Justine said with a grin

Rose was struggling with the ropes while Justine picked up some sort of a potion. It looked like a love potion and Rose panicked when she saw the potion.

"No one can stop me from getting what's mine and that includes you darling" Justine said

Justine took of the ducktape and Rose was shouting as loud as she can.

"No one can hear you my dear" Justine said

Rose's eyes were full of despair and lost of hope because she knew that the love potion still doesn't have a cure and she's doomed for a life time. Justine tried to open her mouth, Rose was trying her best to keep her mouth shut. Some time later Rose got tired and she couldn't keep it anymore, she now opened her mouth and Justine poured the potion in and her eyes were full of hearts and then she now fall in love with Justine with a potion but not with heart.

Hawk eventually tracked where Rose was and now the team and the teachers/professors know that they didn't saved her in time. Rose is now in love with Justine and would do anything that Justine says.

"Justine how dare you!" Hawk said in anger

"You lose Snow White, Rose is now mine!" Justine said laughing

"No... Rose listen to me! Rose you need to snap out of it!" Hawk pleaded

"Don't listen to that Snow White" Justine said to Rose

"I suggest that you all better leave or else..." Justine said with a death stare

"I'm NOT leaving without Rose!" Hawk said angerly

"Your too late Snow White she's already mine and only mine!" Justine said proudly

"Guards attack!" Justine said

Card guards started to appear out of no where and starts to attack the team and the teachers/professors. Meanwhile with Rose, she was forced to do nothing but watch her love ones fight without her... She broke into tears when she saw her mom, granny and her friends got some scratches.

"We need to leave!" Travis said

"Hawk we will bring her back I promise" Fala said coming out of no where

"Fala..?" Hawk said

"Yes I'm here and don't worry I made some research because I know that this will happen" Fala said

Hawk nodded and they retrieved and went to their own castles. The next day, Hawk was really worried about Rose that he kept awake all night but he got a little bit of sleep soon after. Hawk received a note from Cinderella.

The note says:

Dear Hawk Snow White,
         I know how worried you are about Rose and we all do so I made a decision that you and your team will have an assignment that is only exclusive to your team. And that is... Bring back Rose safe and sound, and she have no curse on her. I'm looking forward to you all succeed and don't let me down especially you Hawk, she mentioned to me that she have a massive crush on you and I know that you like her too. Remember this Hawk Snow White... Love is the most powerful magic of all...
     From: HeadMistress Cinderella
                    To: Hawk Snow White

"Massive crush... on me?" Hawk thought to himself that made him blush

Then after that another message was sent for Hawk.

Dear Hawk,

       It's me Astoria, I know that you also have the note that Head Mistress Cinderella sent to you so I'm calling all fairytale grandchildren to the Rapunzel tower ASAP!

                  From: Astoria Rapunzel
                    To: Hawk Snow White

Hawk immediately called his dragon and hopped on his back but before he could leave someone stopped him.

"Hawk wait!" Fala said

"What is it Fala?" Hawk asked

"I'm coming too, Rose has been a friend to me for a long time and I'm willing to bring her back" Fala said

Hawk smiled and signaled Fala to hop in. Fala hopped in and they went on their way. They reached the Rapunzel tower and they landed safely.

"Fala? Are you coming too?" Astoria asked

"Yes, Rose have been a friend to me and I will do anything to bring her back and besides I have some information about the love potion" Fala said

Astoria nodded and they make a plan as soon as possible and ofc as we know Astoria, she always do backup plans. They arranged the materials that they need for an anti-love potion.

They went to the laboratory to make the potion and luckily no one was there. They quickly made the potion and put it on safe hands (Fala).

They went on their way and they reached the place where they found Rose under the spell of the love potion. They quietly sneaked  
trough the sleeping guards (gosh their so lazy) and then...

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