Poem: Pure deception

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Although the face was familiar , there was a different gaze in those eyes.
Once warm and inviting , but now so distant and full of despise.
The warmth in those arms had grown cold.
The heart that burst with fire, crumbled inside their soul.
Yet the outer appearance was recognizable.
It was Pure deception.
A harmonious love we previously orchestrated became an obstructed symphony.
Those hands  I was fond of seemed to shrivel at the sight of me.
Yet the appearance was still recognizable.
It was Pure deception.
But don't misinterpret the pain painted before you.
I created the monster that perceives the deception.
That mindset had been molded by my actions.
So can I really blame their disposition?
No, I can only be mad at myself.
And I only noticed once it was detrimental to my health.
Deception at its purest which spawned from me.
I had woven the web with intricate dead ends unknowingly.
The damage was done and unable to be mended.
Far from what I originally intended.
The magnificent love torn and sent into flames.
A tragedy and most of all what a shame.
How did something so cosmic turn cataclysmic?
It's true, everyone could see our love was on fire.
But it was burning to a crisp, and had become dire.
I thought I could withstand the heat,
But I was charred from defeat.
The fuel that started the inception,
was surely pure deception.

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