Chapter Two

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"Rise and shine, it's about that time, Ad!" a blinding light woke me up out of a dead sleep, I squinted and barely made out the blur of my dad opening the curtains.

I groaned, "Five more minutes!" and threw the blanket over my head.

"Now or pitcher!" my father laughed on his way out of my room.

I grunted again as I heard my door latch after him. I snatched my blankets down and stared at my ceiling. I forced myself out go my bed and laughed at my reflection as I passed, surprised to see my hair standing as if I stuck my entire hand in an outlet.

A quick shower and I was ready to go. Out of pure laziness, I had given up the contacts in my Sophomore year, but had definitely stayed away from the thin, wired frames from my middle school days. I slipped on a pair of dark jeans and a loose fitting grey sweater, and headed downstairs for breakfast.


On my way out of the door, my mom called me back in, "Hey Ads!"

"Huh?" I turned

"You're not gonna get very far without these!" She smiled holding up my keys. I chuckled, tracing back, "Oh, by the way, honey, after school, can you meet your father and I across the street at Tamera's?"

I stopped, "Huh?" I said again. I felt my stomach sink, and anxiety filled me up to my shoulders. I hadn't been to Tami's house since 7th grade, "Why?"

She didn't look up, "Nothing big! See you later love bug!"

I walked out of the door and shut it behind me, whispering to myself I can't imagine what for? I shrugged and tried not to let it bother me as I walked to my car to get in. Something caught the corner of my eye, and I looked up to see Tami leaving her house looking almost disheveled, almost. Tami hadn't changed demeanor wise since she'd sprouted in middle school, she was still unequivocally beautiful. Her hair was a blinding platinum white now, and had been since about freshman year, I still hadn't put the gall together to dye mine with even semi-permanent color. Tami had changed few things about her appearance, though. The clothes she wore were more masculine, she had a lip piercing and a tongue piercing, and her parents had allowed her to get a few tattoos. As always, she was revered at school, and still extremely popular. She looked up and gave me a small wave as she got into her car. I smiled and waved back, blushing slightly as I realized I'd been spacing off in her general direction.

Tami had always had a sort of grace when she did things; she was light on her feet. I'd always envied that about her.

I got into my car shaking my head as I remembered what my mom had mentioned to me about meeting at Tami's house after school. I felt weird about the situation. Tami and I weren't strangers or enemies, but we were more acquaintances than anything, I truly couldn't imagine any reason for my parents to need me to meet them at her house. It's not like they didn't know where her and my friendship stood.

I brushed it off and rolled my eyes at the thought of school.


School was the same as any other day, I met up with some friends in the morning outside of the library, a few branched off and went to study hall while the rest of us went in and spoke a little bit about our weekends and my best friend Carolyn complained about her job.

"Adeline, you will literally never guess who started at my work on Saturday," she said. I could tell by the tone in her voice, I was most likely going to roll my eyes at the answer.



I was right, involuntarily, I felt my eyes twitch back and I heard Carolyn laugh, "Just the reaction I was expecting."

Home Alone - GirlxGirl (Edited 2022)Where stories live. Discover now