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Hi!! Thanks for reading my story! I'm very thankful and I put a lot of work in this, please if I make a grammar mistake correct me, English isn't my first language. I'm gonna use things from the manga so I'll just put a spoiler warning if that happens.

Yall can call me gaby bc everyone does and I like cats and mitski, I hate insects and school, yet I'm bored in summer break so I'm writing this ff. I'm a shifter and yes I do believe in it don't hate me ffs 😭 I'm going to 9th grade after summer break and I'm very lazy.

Have fun reading.

That sounds sus 💀 ifkyk

Lmao normally I never use capital letters but it's a ff so it's a must now.


"a thousand winters" Matsuno Chifuyu FFWhere stories live. Discover now