Chapter 30: Mysterious Allies

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Yagler gave Iulius an encrypted disc to put into his holo-communicator in the office, then she went back to work with the team she had brought on the planet, rounding up other corrupted officers that had allowed the mercenaries to land.

But before he did that, he rushed into the base and made sure that his mother was safe, which she was, being under heavy escort. After reassuring her, it was time to go meet with the mysterious Director who had probably just saved his life by sending Yagler to intervene.

He inserted the disc, and his terminal required a face scan, only then allowing the transmission to go through.

Right after that, the hologram of a man in his 50s, with tan skin and an incredibly neutral expression appeared sitting on the chair in front of Iulius with his legs crossed in a relaxed pose.

 Right after that, the hologram of a man in his 50s, with tan skin and an incredibly neutral expression appeared sitting on the chair in front of Iulius with his legs crossed in a relaxed pose

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"The Director, I suppose?" Iulius asked.

"Greetings, Lord-Protector. Let me say that is an honor to finally talk with you." he started with a pleasant tone, which couldn't however hide that he meant business. "I'm Moff Gideon. Director of the Imperial Security Bureau. Allow me to compliment for your brilliant response to a completely unexpected military attack."

"Right...What is going on, here?" Iulius asked bluntly. "Agent Yagler said there are more people planning my demise."

"Were, Lord-Protector. All the conspirators have been rounded up by my agency. I apologize for the fact that we couldn't prevent the attempt on your life, though."

"I'm alive. Let's focus on what we know. Who were these people?"

"Moffs and officers who found slavery and the general neglect of the administration much lucrative for them. One of them is your old acquaintance, Moff Goreed. He was the head of the ring."

Iulius scoffed. "Why am I not surprised?" then turned again toward Gideon. "Still, I thought the ISB wasn't exactly fond of me either. So why did you spend so much effort to protect me?"

"You misunderstand, my Lord. While I myself don't share all of your...opinions on the Empire, you're still a valuable and loyal soldier. Which brings me to the answer for your question.

"We didn't just save you because it's our job to stop traitors from sabotaging the Empire, we were looking at your security for a long time because you're unique. Not simply for your talents in warfare, but because you managed to unite the Empire like never before. When the people look at you, they see their hero. Their bastion against the barbarians and terrorists lurking in the Outer Rim. If those parasites had killed you, the Empire would've suffered as a whole."

"Uh...thanks, then." Iulius shrugged, unsure if the man was acting or not.

After a moment of pause, Gideon resumed. "You know, it's a good thing that you managed to negotiate the release of Grand Admiral Thrawn. Soon, we're going to need every valid brain."

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