Chapter 1: New Resources

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January 6.

Being back home and finally embracing his family again had no price for Ezra. The young Knight and his sister had introduced Luke to the rest of the group, but it was Rex who welcomed the young man with the deepest respect. It didn't take long for the old clone to reveal that he served with Luke's father and with Obi-Wan during the Clone Wars, and the boy was interested in listening everything about them, which wasn't a problem given that he was set to sleep into the house shared by Wolffe and Rex, which had a few extra bunk beds.

This had posed the urgent matter to the siblings about telling the truth about Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader to Luke, since they didn't have had much time after the battle of Yavin. They wanted to explain it to both Luke and Leia, but since the latter was on her mission to gather the remaining Alderaanians scattered across the galaxy, this couldn't be done.

Now it was late afternoon. That morning, Jaral had left the tower to reach Camp Garibaldi with Jordan, where she was to meet with the General Staff of both the Federation and the Rebel Alliance and assess the current status of the war. Ezra had followed her to the city only to visit Hera and learn that she was expected to give birth in a week or so.

Now, he and Luke were meditating in an open space that was still in sight of the tower's complex, while everyone else was out attending to their duties.

Keeping his eyes closed, Ezra was connecting to the impressive presence of the Force in his homeworld, finding a peace of mind that was rare even for him.

At the same time, though, he could easily perceive that Luke seemed kinda lost. He was definitely making progress in his ability to communicate with the Force, but his heart was still gripped with doubts and fears.

"What's wrong?" Ezra finally asked with a calm tone, the same that Kanan so patiently used with him innumerable times.

Luke made a faint sigh. "It's just...I'm not sure what it is. Since I left Tatooine so much has changed..." he mumbled.

"You feel overwhelmed." Ezra understood.

"I did you feel when you found out you could be a Jedi?" Luke asked.

Luke opened his eyes and gazed at the endless prairie as he lost himself in remembrance.

"True, I wasn't exactly calm, but I had an objective at the time. I wanted to learn to use my powers to protect my sister, then the crew of the Ghost...eventually all the people who needed me. I think that having a clear direction in mind is a good starting point."

"So I should find a purpose in order to advance in my training?"

Ezra shook his head slightly. "I'm just telling you my experience, Luke, but everyone must find his own way. Sure, commitment is a great help to one's focus, but you must find your own method."

 Luke seemed a bit confused by that statement

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Luke seemed a bit confused by that statement. "Guess I'll try."

"Do, or do not." Ezra quickly replied, maintaining his tone. "There's no try."

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