7. Konoha Crush

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The day has come, the final day of the Chūnin exam. I sit down on the auditorium with many other audiences. Everyone is so excited to watch the finalists' fights, except me. I have reluctantly promised to Baki-Sensei and the Three Sand Siblings about the plan. I had no choice but to obey to Kazekage-Sama's order.

The fights are indeed interesting to watch. Some of the results are unexpected, especially for Shikamaru admitting his defeat to Temari although he technically won her.

The competition of Sasuke vs Gaara is shocking. No one has ever made Gaara bleed, until Sasuke uses Chidori on him.

Our mission to destroy Konoha requires Gaara's help as an extremely important step. However, he is now hurt and has lost control of himself. I should be very worried about our plan, but instead, I hold up my hopes to stop the war from breaking out.

Out of nowhere, calming dinging sounds gradually flow into my ears. White feathers gently fall from the ceiling.

'Kai (Release)!' I join my hands to form a hand sign, breaking the Nehan Shōja no Jutsu.
'The time has come.'
I frown and look around to see most audiences asleep.

A loud explosion is then heard. It is the hint to the Shinobis of Suna and Oto.
'The war has started...'
No room for backing off.

At the blink of an eye, Shinobis of Suna and Konoha start fighting each other aggressively. It is all a mess.

For instance, I rush off to meet Gaara with Kankuro and Temari on the battling arena.

Gaara is determined to kill Sasuke who is standing at the opposite, but he doesn't seem to feel well. Baki-Sensei joins in to ask Temari, Kankuro and me to bring Gaara leave the arena and find ways to cure Gaara.

The four of us jump over the high walls of the arena, starting to run as fast as we can.


We stopped in the woods on a tree branch. Sasuke was chasing and had caught up with us. He stands in front of us on another tree branch.

Sasuke swings his Kunai and smirks, 'I won't let you guys escape again.' A few seconds later, the edge of his mouth slips down as he looks to me, 'I thought you were friends with Naruto and Sakura, L/N Y/N.'

The feeling of guilt spreads from my heart to every inch of my body.

Sasuke continues, 'We trusted you.'

Suddenly, the feeling of having a missing piece inside of my heart appears again for the first time in a while.
'We trusted you...?'
This sentence is just so familiar to me and my head aches along with dizziness. My hands rush to hold my head where the pain gets stronger and stronger. I close my eyes at once with the surroundings become darkened. A beam of light then appears inside of my eye lids.

Unknown Scene

'WE TRUSTED YOU!' I scream with my loudest voice in aggression. I can barely see a tall boy with long black hair standing a few metres away from me. We are standing on a corridor of someone's home. It is night time, the sky is dark, with the moon hanging high above. My vision is unclear as my eyes are filled up with tears.

The teen walks a metre closer to me, 'No one told you to trust me.' His tone is ice cold.

The adrenaline inside my body rises in rapid speed. Fear and desperation seem to disappear. All I can feel is anger and resentment. My whole body tightens and starts shaking, 'TRAITOR!' Without hesitation, I start running recklessly towards the teen with my eyes activated in some form. My head lifts up and is about to see the close-up of the teen's face. My right arm reaches out and is ready to hit him.

End of Unknown Scene

I suddenly came back to reality.
'It was a dream!'
I find myself a metre close to Sasuke with my right arm reaching out. I am in a position ready to hit him in the neck. When I realise what's happening, it is already too late.
Sasuke speedily holds my arm with his left hand. I don't have anytime to respond and is kicked in my stomach. I start flying backwards and can't bare the pressure his hard kick gives me.

'Y/N!' Temari yells and catches me with Kankuro's help.

I stand back up and try to keep myself calm, 'Thanks.'

After that, Temari decides to fight Sasuke alone. Kankuro and I once again start bringing Gaara to a safe place to heal him.

On our way, I thought about the 'dream' I encountered. I nearly saw the face of the teen whom I called a 'traitor', but I couldn't. All of it was blurry.
'Was it only a dream?'
I question myself.

However, I have no time to think about it as I am currently on a major mission. Another reason is that I'm worried about Temari as she is facing Sasuke alone. Don't forget that Sasuke is the only one who first made Gaara bleed.


It wasn't long until Sasuke and Temari showed up again. Temari and I carried Gaara, leaving Kankuro to fight Sasuke.

Suddenly, Gaara asks us to put him down. Since we have stopped on a tree branch, Temari takes out some medicine for him. I put my hands near his injured shoulder and concentrate my chakra. Turquoise chakra begins to flow out of my palms and attaches to Gaara's shoulder. It is the Shōsen Jutsu that I'm using.

Besides having Mizu Kioku no Jutsu and having great speed, I am also a medical ninja. I have been taught healing techniques since I was 7. Sunagakure Shinobis call me a medical ninjutsu genius. I have already healed many people starting from a young age.

Just as Gaara's wound is half way healed, he uncontrollably pushes me and Temari off. We both hit a tree each. My back pains in an awful way.

At this moment, Sasuke shows up, making Gaara craving even more to kill him. Gaara's face starts to break into pieces as he loses his rationality. A huge sand-coloured arm grows from his sand bag.

I watch anxiously at Gaara transforming into a monster and close my eyes.
'Nothing will stop him...'
I helplessly watch Sasuke starting to attack Gaara with his kunais.

Just as the battle is getting more intense, a shuriken flies out of nowhere.
The shuriken hits the tree which I am leaning on, alerting me. I sense chakra and shout to that direction, 'Who's there!'

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