The Warriors of Kyoshi

Start from the beginning

Aang runs a hand on his bison's fur. "But Appa's tired already, aren't you boy?"

The bison is silent.

Aang takes to elbowing his animal companion. "I said, 'aren't you boy'?"

After a long moment, the bison yawns loudly.

Polu rolls his eyes, the faintest of smiles on his face.

"Yeah, that was real convincing." Sokka shrugs. "Still, hard to argue with a ten-ton magical monster."

Aang dashes forward, pointing at the lake. "Look!"

The teens behind him stare in amazement at the enormous fish erupting from the water.

"Elephant koi," Polu murmurs.

Aang nods. "That's why we're here. And I'm going to ride it." The pre-teen disrobes to his undergarments and faces the teenage girl. "Katara, you've gotta watch me."

"Aang, be careful, there are-"

Polu's words are ignored as the airbender dives into the lake. The boy jumps out of the water screaming, "Cold!"

A moment later, a koi fish and Aang breach the surface and launch into the air. Katara smiles widely, Sokka and Polu both frowning.

We should really keep moving, but he's having so much fun.

Aang waves at his friends on the shore, receiving one in return from Katara. He laughs joyously as the fish speeds along the water, other elephant koi surfacing and diving behind him.

"He looks pretty good out there," Katara smiles.

"Are you kidding? The fish is doing all the work," Sokka retorts.

"Besides, I'd rather he be on shore. If the rumors I've heard about these waters are to be believed, it's not safe to be in them." Polu adds to his friends' statements as he worries with his fingers.

Katara's eyes widen as she races away from the shore. "Appa, no! Don't eat that!"

Sokka and Polu exchange banter for a moment before Sokka straightens like a rod. "There's something in the water!"

Polu faces the lake as he runs a hand over his short hair. Spirits, why did I have to be right?

"What's wrong?" Katara comes to a stop beside Polu.

Polu points to the shadow lurking behind Aang's koi. "Aang's in trouble."

"Aang!" Sokka calls.

"Get out of there!"

The three frantically wave their hands, attempting to grab their friend's attention.

The boy smiles and returns their waves, being none the wiser to the danger he is in. He yells as he is launched from the fish's back.

As he spits water from his mouth, he sees the shadow of an enormous figure tower over him. He spins to find the largest fin he's ever seen in his life.

He screams.

Polu panics as he watches his friend run on the water and back to the shore. His worry only grows as the fish quickly catches up to him.

Without a moment's notice, Aang collides with Sokka and sends the pair launching back.

Polu and Katara watch the monster retreat before searching for their friends.

"What was that thing?"

"I don't know," Aang replies.

"Well, let's not stick around to find out. Time to hit the road."

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