L: Dreamless Rest

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Couldn't sleep so write yes yes...

Words: 2232


You groaned as you flopped down on the couch. Currently it was 1 or 2 in the morning, (you couldn't remember) and you couldn't sleep. It wasn't that you didn't want to, you did. But something was holding you back, and you didn't know what.

Once you had realized that there was no point in being in your room, and listening to the AC all night. You came downstairs, hoping for the sweet release of sleep. You knew nobody but the famous detective would be up, so you let that thought calm you down a bit as you staggered down the steps. You were so tired it almost felt as if you were going to faint, sadly you knew better, you knew your body was trying to trick you. You may be tired now, but the moment you sat or laid down you would feel wide awake, and unable to close your eyes.

Great for you.

Coming down the steps was a harder task than it looked. You almost fell at least five times, and your hand had to be on the railing throughout your entrance. So far the detective hadn't even looked at you yet, which could have been seen as a good sign, and a bad one. So, with your foggy brain and tired body, you flopped on the couch. The couch that for now felt like heaven, but when you woke up would probably give you cramps.

You muttered curses to your mind as you stayed there for a bit, trying to wrap yourself in a cocoon of blankets which had been left down here. You thanked which ever one of your colleagues left it behind.

"Watari left that down here. Also please don't fall onto the couch, it might break."

You groaned in response to whatever he was talking about, and tried to mask your disappointment by listening to the sounds of typing.

It stayed pretty silent for a bit, neither of you making conversation, you being too tired and L being... well... L. Yet you couldn't say you weren't surprised when the sounds of typing stopped. You wanted to ask what was up, but your body betrayed you. So instead of talking, you ended up just sighing, with your face still pressed into the pillow. You guessed that Watari wanted to give L something to try and persuade him to sleep. But that didn't work, you hoped neither of them minded you putting a use to them though.

"I thought you were going to be upstairs trying to sleep. Why are you down here?" You heard L softly ask.

He had been acting strange for the better half of today, and you weren't sure why. You knew he asked this question, but you also knew he already knew the answer. And he didn't usually bother asking things he already knew the answer to. So then... why?

You racked your brain trying to come up with a reply that wouldn't be too hard to get out, but also explain most of it.

"Couldn't sleep. Already tried." You said and then sighed again. This time though, it started to trail off into a groan, your frustration verbalizing itself.

"Hm" L hummed. You thought that had been the end of the conversation and waited for his typing to continue, however it never did.

Instead you heard the shuffling of clothing, and the patter of feet.

You wanted to ask what he was doing, already knowing the answer. You also wanted to ask why he was coming over towards you, but your body didn't voice your concerns. You were too tired, too drained, too... too much and yet nothing at all.

Your mind consistently wanted to say things, or do things, of which your body controlled. But your body was sick of it. It didn't want to do anything, and it betrayed your mind and ignored your insistence to reply.

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