Chapter 9: The Horde

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As Sentinel realized that Optimus had knocked him down, he kicked the blue Prime off of him after a few seconds of being stunned.

"Sentinel!  Why are you doing this?!  Why are you acting- working with! - the Decepticons?!"

"Well, when you left our planet to die for you and that aft-of-a-tyrant's war, at least he made a deal with me to help Cybertron's survival.  Please understand that I have nothing against you Autobots, but I will need to get rid of you and your friends if they keep getting in my way, like I did with Ironhide."  

"Keep his name out of your filthy mouth, aft-hole!" Athena had screamed from Cyberchip's back in the sky.

"Already awake I see.  Nevermind that, step back Optimus.  You know what I have to do."

"But you don't HAVE to.  You get to choose!"

"EXACTLY.  I choose to save our planet, now leave or I will have to put a hole through you and those two in the sky." Sentinel had said calmly as he activated the pillars that were already floating over the clear and still lake that lay in front of them.

"I'm afraid I cannot simply stand by and watch you throw away the lives of THIS planet, whether it's for OUR planet or not..." Optimus had said as his face mask snapped in place, and servo transforming into an axe.

"Very well, however...," Sentinel had said as his face mask also snapped in place, "You are too late.  They have awoken." 

As Optimus Prime looked over the lake, he saw a grey fog spiraling upward in the circle of the Pillars.  In the moment of the Prime's distraction, Sentinel had leaped onto Optimus and started punching around his chassis.   All the while, Optimus could only lay there helplessly as he watched from the corner of his optics as hundreds, maybe thousands of Decepticons poured out of the portal like water from a cup.  The Decepticons all looked around frantically as they say the festival of cars passing by in panic.  And one by one, they all scanned a vehicle and dissipated away like fog.  As Optimus still felt the punches on his chassis by Sentinel, he lost track of which automobiles were Decepticons or normal human vehicles in the sea of panic and chaos.

And suddenly, he felt the weight on him get lifted off as he saw Athena and Cyberchip pull Sentinel off of Optimus.  Then Cyberchip threw the red mech off balance and towards the Pillars.  However, he missed one of them by a meter and landed into the shallow water, causing the pillars to still be intact, letting more and more Decepticons make their way to Earth from the moon.

"Damn, I was hoping to kill two birds with one stone.  Shock Sentinel to death with the power of the Pillars, while also breaking the formation of the Pillars." cursed Cyberchip.

"We must retreat, this is too much for our force to handle, we were not prepared for this chaos.  AUTOBOTS, FALL BACK." Optimus gave the order.  He transformed into a truck and joined the turmoil of the streets, while Athena got onto Cyberchip's back and they took off into the night sky.

I AM EXTREMELY SORRY FOR THIS CHAPTER BEING SHORT, IF YOU HAVEN'T SEEN THE ANNOUNCEMENT, I HAVE CAUGHT THE INFAMOUS COVID-19.  The more I re-read this chapter, the more I realize how cringe it is.  I'm seriously hoping you can forgive for my absence and laziness.  I needed to make this chapter short, so I have more time to work on the other books that I have.  I'm extremely sorry for this mess.   Bye.

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