Chapter 4: Optimus...?

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(Ey, you probably know what's coming up, but I'm bad at angst, so get ready to cringe...  Also going to include a new OC that I recently created.  Yes it will be ship.  I'll explain later.)

After a minute of the mechanical giants fighting each other, Optimus started to weaken.  Megatron took this chance and started beating him to a pulp.  "Come on Optimus!  Get up!" screamed Sam who was watching in horror.  "You are getting weaker Prime.  Although that is no problem to me..." says Megatron while smiling.  Perhaps Megatron had let his guard down because Optimus suddenly got up, and knocked away Megatron.  Another decepticon had started to attack him, but the Prime had caught him and climbed on top of it.  After a few seconds of confusing the con, Optimus had transformed his servos into hooks and pried open the con's face, killing it.  He climbed down the con's back, and faced Sam.  "Are you all right..?" he asks Sam.  "Yeah I'm- WATCH OUT!" screamed Sam trying to warn him, but it was too late.  Megatron had snuck up behind the Prime and stabbed him.  In this case, Sam would have been in immediate danger, but at that moment other Autobots had entered the area.  Megatron had already been weakened by then, and could not risk being injured by the new company, so he retreated quickly.  Once the Autobots had driven closer, the realization had knocked them down.  Optimus Prime, the leader of the Autobots, the one who had taken good care of them, dead?  Athena had transformed and attempted to reach him, but a dark blue femme known as Cyberchip had held her back.  Bumblebee had looked away from the scene and grabbed Sam.  As Bee drove away, Sam stuck his head out to look at Optimus until he was going, going, going, then gone from his line of vision.

It was a few hours before any bot or human's realization had sunk deep in.  Now, they were just mourning his death.  Athena had fallen into recharge while resting her helm against Cyberchip's shoulder plate.Bumblebee had transformed into vehicle mode, and stayed quiet for the rest of the day.  Sam felt guilty and bad.  Maybe if he had accepted Optimus's offer, this wouldn't have happened.  He would have been with the Autobots, who accepted him, and the twins would be their family and loved ones.  He glances over at the yellow Camaro, and remembers the day that Sam actually felt included in a family other than his own.  He walks over, to talk to his silent friend.  "Look, Bee?  I know that you probably hate me for what happened today...  And I can't really blame you for that.  If I listened to Optimus, this may not have happened.  And I'm sorry..."  There was a few seconds of silence before Bumblebee transformed and looked at Sam in eye.  "You are one of the people I care about.  I could never ... hate you for something ... that we can't control anymore."  said the titan with his distorted radio voice.  "But-" started Sam but Bee stopped him.  "We can't ... beat ourselves up.  We have to ... move on... and... keep fighting.  I will always ... be with you ... Sam."  said Bee, and Mikaela had walked over to hold Sam's hand.  But even with all of these signs to move on, Sam still felt guilty for the loss of an important bot.

Man, this chapter took me a while for some odd reason.  Anyways, let me explain my new character.  Cyberchip is a femme, a Predacon if you want to expand your imagination.  She used to be a Decepticon, but then changed sides when Athena convinced her to.  Athena, Optimus, Bee and only a few others really accepted her after changing sides.  Athena and Cyberchip aren't officially together yet, but they have the feels for each other.  If you are aware of the way the Cyclonus and Tailgate treat each other in the comics, well let's say that my 2 OCs treat each other the same way.  I might give more info later, but for now this is this.  Also, thank you for the sweet comments that I find in my story.  It really motivates me to continue, and I really appreciate it!

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