Chapter 3: Autobots and Decepticons

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(Forgive me, I don't remember much of the plot, so I'm going to skip to the part where Bumblebee gets a new look, and meets the rest of the crew.)

After getting rid of the police bot, Sam and Mikaela step out of the yellow Camaro and both cars transform into robots.  Sam looked at both of them, and recognized something.  The white robot seemed to be smiling at them both.  If Athena isn't here with her car, then that can mean one thing.  "Athena, is that you?!" Sam screams at the white bot.  She looked surprised and amused, and she transforms into a car, and the holoform of Athena steps out of the car, and waves at them.  Mikaela runs over to hug Athena and thank her many times for saving them.  Sam, on the other hand, is staring at his own car and zoning out.  After a few minutes, the 2 bots suddenly perk up and look at the night sky.  As Sam and Mikaela look up, they see 4 asteroids shooting to Earth as they land in different places.  The twins transform as they open the car doors to let the humans inside.

As the twins were driving to who knows where, Sam asks the bots, "So if you're Athena, who are you?" he asks his own car.  The yellow car replied with, "Just call me ... Bumblebee" in distorted radio language.  Then Mikaela asked, "So what was the robot that attacked us?  And why are you 2 different from them?"  It was Athena that answered the question.  "The Autobots wage their battles to destroy, the evil forces of, the Decepticons!" "Oh....  And why can't you 2 speak normally?  The Decepticon was speaking in language that I could completely understand."  To these words, the twins went silent and continued to drive.  Mikaela looked at Sam and they were confused on how the twins were acting.

 After driving for a few minutes, the 2 Camaros parked in an alleyway apparently waiting for something.  As Sam and Mikaela got out of the cars, 3 vehicles approached ahead of them, and one behind them.  Mikaela stood close to Athena while Sam watched as these cars transformed into robots along with Athena and Bumblebee.  Sam turns around to see the tallest out of them all.  It was red and blue, and was most likely the leader of the group.  As the leader stooped down, he asked, "Are Samuel Witwicky, descendant of Archibald Witwicky?" (Forgive me, I can't remember any lines except funny ones.)    As Sam nods, he asks, "So umm... Who are you guys?"  As the leader steps back up, he speaks. "I, am Optimus Prime, leader of the Autobots.  We are Autonomous Robotic Organisms from the planet Cybertron enduring war against Megatron, leader of the Decepticons."  He turns to introduce his team.  "This is Jazz who is my 'left hand man'" (I crying at how bad I am with Optimus dialogues.)  "This looks like a good place to kick down and have a nice break."  Sam was surprised as he said, "Wait, where did you learn to talk like that?"  Optimus answered by saying, "We have learned of human customs through the world-wide-web."  After a moment of silence, Optimus continued, "This, is Ironhide."  "Feelin' lucky punk?"  Sam held up his hands as Optimus says, "Easy, Ironhide."  "Relax, just showing him my cannons."  As Optimus turns to the next bot, he says, "This is our medical officer, Ratchet."  "The human boy's pheromone levels suggests he wants to mate with the female."  Sam and Mikaela look away from each other, embarrassed.

"You already know your guardians Bumblebee and Athena, also known as the twins."  "So you're our guardians?" Mikaela asks, looking up at the siblings.  "Yeah~!" Athena says while a guitar plays in the background.  "Wait but why can't they talk?  I assume that it wasn't the truth that you lost your voice at birth?" asks Sam while Athena looks away.  Ratchet starts scanning the twins one by one while Optimus explains.  "The twins lost their ability to speak while in battle.  They fought bravely in the time, and still do.  They are lucky to be able to use your Earth signals to speak."  After a moment of silence, Optimus got to the point.  "Sam Witwicky, do you still have the glasses that have been passed down to you?  We require the information that has been incripted on it."  As Sam nods, he asks, "How do you even know about the glasses?"  Optimus simply states, "E-Bay."

Sorry, Sorry, Sorry, and Sorry.  I am so bad at dialogue which is why I sort of avoided it in the first 2 chapters.  I also don't have the best memory, so I can't remember all of the lines in the movie, no matter how important they are.

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