chapter 17 : the visit

Start from the beginning

"So ilyas you trained the old class and sami and zane on fighting right ?" Olive asks

"Yes ?" Ilyas asks back

" How about you train us as well ?" Olive asks

"Is that so then You know what i'll train the old and new class as well" ilyas replied "even you miss mina I can train you anytime

"Thank you so much ilyas I can't wait for my first training with my friends and you" rocky replied

"Yeah thank you ilyas" miss mina replied

"You're welcome guys oh by the way lobo is waiting for you guys" ilyas replied

"Oh right we almost forgot about him" spike replied

"Well then follow me" ilyas replied

The students and the teachers and parents went to Lobo's room and when ilyas opened the door everyone was shocked

"Hi guys" lobo said

Everyone went nuts and went straight to hug lobo for a while

"Man you guys are so cute together" ilyas said

Then everyone looked at ilyas

"I mean yeah whatever" ilyas said as he pretending like he doesn't care

Then they looked at each other and esmie gives ilyas her hand when he grabs it she pulled him to the group and they all start hugging lobo

then they broke the hug except cleo she didn't let him with tears on her face

"Cleo let lobo for a while" esmie said

"No I'm not gonna let my boyfriend after he died in front of me" cleo replied

lobo blushed a little then he wrapped he's arms around cleo and hugged her back

"Don't worry I will not let that happen again" lobo said

"Awe" everyone except ilyas lobo and cleo replied at the same time

Ilyas took out his phone and start taking pictures of this cute scene

"Awe look at them that's so sweet" katya replied

"Yeah that's so sweet my teeth gonna rot" ilyas replied "I'm going to post it on Facebook #adorable monster couple"

Cleo and lobo break the hug after a while and lobo wiped Cleo's tears

"I missed you guys so bad" lobo said

"and we missed you either" ilyas added in

"Dude you missed a lot yesterday" spike replied

"Well what did I miss ?" Lobo asks

Drac tells lobo what happened yesterday

"what ?" Lobo yalled "Looks like I'm missed a lot"

"Don't worry because you were the reason and you was my mind for a while" ilyas replied

"What you suck ilyas by the way Look lobo we made cards for you" drac replied as they given him the cards

"And I made your favorite food" Rosita replied and she gives him his favorite food

"And Zane and I made a picture for you" zoe replied as she give him the picture

"Thanks guys your the best" lobo replied

"And here's another one for you ilyas Zane and I made it with our love and appreciation because you protected us from skull in the battle last night" zoe replied and give him the picture

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