Chapter 30 : Escape Went Wrong

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She approaches Medea and gazes at the corpses. Medea only targets their vital points, the neck and heart. They didn't even make a sound when she stabbed them, moving at a frightening speed. Aurora felt herself becoming nauseous at the sight. She dashes over to the bushes and pukes, feeling her stomach twisted.

The three figures could only look at the blonde woman, slightly taken aback by it. But, of course, it's understandable for a first-timer. So it's no surprise Duchess Natalie appears tense when they're torturing the man at Veronica's.

Regardless, the blonde stated, "I am fine," as all eyes turned to her.

She wipes her mouth as she passes over the two figures, Medea and Hector, reaching out her hand at the lifeless body. She struggles to drag one of the men's bodies as she looks at the Duchess and Marquess.

"Will your staring help me to get rid of these bodies?" Duchess Natalie asks in a sarcastic tone, raising one of her eyebrows.

Hector and Medea exchange glances before proceeding to assist the blonde woman. It's amusing to consider what occurred, but she acts as if nothing happened with the puke. Then they move on to the next plan while waiting for the other to become alert.

Devon comes out to find the men aren't there.

"Those guys!" he yells at them.

"Gavin, Harry, Francis, and Karl!" he calls out all of the men's names, alerting the men inside.

"What's the problem?" one of the men inquires.

"They have not yet entered guard. Look inside!" anger flooded his veins.

"I noticed Francis and Karl getting ready to guard a few moments ago. Are you certain they aren't on the lookout?" the other man questions Devon about it.

Devon becomes quiet for a while before he talks in a hushed tone with another six men. The other figures could not make out what they had said. But, it seems they suspected something had happened to the other four men. Then, Devon, with another two men, goes inside. Meanwhile, the other four practically stick with each other, guarding the houses.

An arrow strikes one of the men's heads as they walk around the house together. The body immediately collapses, forewarning the other men inside and outside.

"We have an intruder!" they shout.

They are immediately in defence mode, hiding in the blind spot to avoid getting shot. The trio then sneak on quietly at them, launching a surprise attack. Aurora's hands are practically shaking because she is not used to this, but she cannot talk about it all without being found out.

But, it is not the time doubt, and she is just following the best fighters in the Empire behind. Medea signals them in a hushed tone, ordering them to execute them quietly as possible. Then, they heard the door creak at the back with Isis screaming and asking for help. The men turn around, only to find swords stabbing directly at their vital point, except for one.

Aurora cannot move because she is hesitant to kill the man. The man closes his eyes and screams, expecting an attack that never comes. But, being fast, Hector does not hesitate to kill the man immediately, slaying him to the ground. On the other hand, Devon has already been alerted to their presence and is on the run with Isis.

Hector and Medea look at Duchess Smith, who is still staring at the bodies.

"We must follow Devon before we lose Isis. Now!" Medea said, jolting everyone out of their reverie.

The DuchessesOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant