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I woke up on the ground.
I went upstairs to get dressed and then I went back downstairs.

Robert was in the kitchen and I ran to him and hugged him.
He lifted me up and kissed me.

"Goodmorning sunshine." Robert said.


"Tomorrow is the premiere of Eclipse. Are you looking forward to it?"

"Yes! It will be amazing!"

We didn't do that much that day.
We just read our lines for Breaking Dawn.

Then we went to sleep.

The next morning.

We had to wake up early because today was the premiere of Eclipse.

I wore my sweatpants and then we left.
We arrived at a building and the dressers were waiting for us.

Robert and I had to go in seprate rooms so we kissed each other quickly at the moment we had to seprate.

I arrived at the dressing room and Nikki, Elizabeth and Ashley were already there.

"Hey Kristen! Long time ago!" Nikki called. Her hairdresser was already doing her hair so she couldn't come over to me.

I walked to her and kissed her quickly on her cheek.

"How are you?" I asked.

"Great, a little nervous though. What about you?"

"I'm fine. I enjoyed my free time." I had to smile while I said that.


"Kristen!" Ashley yelled.

"Talk to you later Nikki." I told her.
"Hey Ashley!"
I also kissed her on her cheek.

"How are things going between you and Robert?"

"Great. Perfect. It couldn't be better." I smiled while I said that.

"Do you need to tell me something?" She smiled and I saw her looking at my stomach.

"NOOO! I'm not pregnant." I said and then we both started laughing.

"Are you engaged then?" Nikki yelled from behind me.

"No! I'm not engaged and I'm not pregnant." I assured them.

They both laughed and then I went to Elizabeth. I kissed her also on her cheeck and we had a little chat.

Then I went to sit in my chair.

My hair dresser began to do my hair. He washed it, brushed it...

When that was done, I had to go to get my dress.
It was a white dress. I loved it!

I put it on and then I went to Nikki and Ashley. They both looked stunning!

Nikki wore a short white dress with a skirt full of feathers. On the shoulders were also some feathers and the dress had a deep V-neck.
Her hair was perfect.

Ashley wore a long gray dress. Very long. Her hair was beautiful, like a prinsess.

Elizabeth her haid was in a little knot. It was very beautiful. She wore a small black dress.

I looked in the mirror and I loved my dress even more!
The dress was short and white.
It had only one sleeve, a long one.

My hair was amazing. I loved it!

Then I started thinking about what Rob would wear.

They called us to go to the hall, so we could get ready to go outside.
When we came in the hall, I searched Rob immediatly, and I found him.

I walked to him and looked at him. He was so gorgeous, as usual.
He wore a red dark suit and underneath a white shirt with a dark gray tie.

It was very beautiful.
He leaned down to kiss me and I kissed him back.

"Aaawwwhhh!!" I heard someone call from behind us. I didn't pay much attention to who it was, I was too busy kissing my boyfriend.

"Do we need to get you a room?" A male voice asked.

We both turned to see who it was.
It was Kellan ofcourse.
We all started laughing and then I took Roberts hand.

"Get ready!" Someone said.
That was the sign we had to go outside.

We had to go last ofcourse.
When we came outside, everyone started yelling and screaming.

Rob and I looked at each other and started smiling. We knew we still held hands and we tought it may be a good idea to kiss in front of the audience.

So we kissed and everyone got crazy. They yelled and screamed.

Then we looked up and some fans had tears in their eyes.
We looked happy at each other and continued walking.

We gave autographs, took photos and answered questions.

One fan asked us if we would ever get married.
I looked at Rob and found him smiling at me.

"Ofcourse!" He said turning back to the girl.
I started smiling at the same moment the girl started smiling.

We continued walking and went to the cinema with everyone to watch Eclipse.

From a fangirls view

I loved to be at the premiere of Eclipse. I love Twilight and I adore Robsten!

I went to the cinema and I went to sit on the second row, it was expensive to sit there, but it was worth it.

I sat behind a couple who held hands. Before the movie they kissed each other every now and then.

It was very cute.
Then the movie started and I didn't pay much attention to the couple anymore. I watched the movie and I loved it!

When I looked at the couple again while Edward asked Bella to marry him, I saw the couple was saying the exact words from the movie.

That wasn't possible, right? It was only the premiere!
Then I realised something.

Only actors and actress could sit on the front row!
I tapped on the shoulder of the man and did as if nothing happened.

The man turned around and I looked at him from the corner of my eye.

I almost started screaming but I couldn't because I was crying.

This wasn't possible! I had to be dreaming. I started crying again because it couldn't be real.

I missed half of the movie.

When the movie was done, I looked at the couple again and they clapped their hands and they had tears in their eyes.

Was Robsten crying because of the movie? That would be great! They were so cute!

I still couldn't believe it and then Robert turned around and smiled at me, probably because I was still crying.

I put my hands over my mounth to hold back a little scream.
Then we all went outside and the premiere was over.

Kristens view

Rob and I sat next to each other during the movie. We both started crying when Bella said yes to Edward to marry him.

When the movie was done, Rob looked behind him and smiled.
I didn't know why but I would ask him later.

We went home together when it was all done.

Love behind the scenes isn't easy (Robsten)Where stories live. Discover now