Face It!

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I started losing intrest in Michael. But I still loved him soo much.

The problem was Robert. I was getting feelings for him.

We spend a lot of time together the last few weeks and we were pretty close.

We were like best friends and I liked it that way.
We both didn't want to face the fact we had feelings for each other.

Robert asked my on a date once. But I said no because of Micheal.
We were both sad about that, but he didn't give up.

He asked me on a date a couple of times and I always said no.

I really wanted to, but I didn't want to cheat on my love.

He asked my once if I wanted to be his girlfriend, but I had to say no because of the same reason.

I told him we couldn't be together because of Micheal.
We both looked at each other for a while and then gave each other a hug.

"I'm sorry." I had murmed.

"I understand." He had whispered.

Michael didn't know it ofcourse. But he knew I was happier. And ofcourse I was.

He kept asking why and I told him it was because I was getting along well with Robert.

He wasn't jealous at first, till he saw the first Twilight movie.

"Are you sure you have no feelings for him?" He had asked me.

"No I am sure! There's only you!" I had assured him.

But I knew I had to face it.

We had a lot of great times together. We were a lot with each other. Mostly at his house.
We watched tv or played a Twilight scene to practise.

Suddenly my dad came home with the paper in his hand.
He didn't look happy.

"What's up dad?" I asked.

"Have you seen the paper?" He asked with a sour tone.

"No, why?" I asked very curious.
What could it be?
Something had happened in LA?
Rumors about him? Or my family?

I didn't know so I reached out for the paper but my dad threw it on the table.

"I didn't know you would ever do something like dad Kristen. I didn't raise you like this!" He almost shouted.

So this was about me. What could it be? I didn't know so I took the paper and read the cap.

Kristen cheats on her boyfriend? Is Robert so much better?

Kristen has been reportedly seen a lot with Co-Twilight star Robert Pattinson. They go to restaurants and we see them a lot at Roberts place.
Is the actress cheating on her boyfriend?
The couple has already been together for 2,5 years and they seemed incredibly in love.

Robert has been single a long time. So why would he start dating someone he doesn't even know 1 year?

I read the article and my mouth fell open. I would never ever ever cheat on someone.
But they were sort of right.

We both loved each other, but we didn't date. I didn't even know they took photos.

"Don't you have anything to say miss?" My dad asked, angry now.
"What's wrong with Michael? You two have been together for so long. Why would you cheat on him? Is Robert..."

"Dad stop! I am not dating Robert! I don't cheat on Michael! Me and Robert are just getting along well with each other! We are friends, can't I have male friends?"
I rattled.

"I don't know Kristen." My dad finaly sighed.

At that moment I recieved a message from Michael.


Damn it. I knew this was going to happen. He read the "news".
But it were lies...most of it.

Sorry, it is all a lie! I'm not dating Robert Pattinson. We are just good friends, you have to believe me! I love you and no one else.

It was the truth, except the last part.

Why would I believe you? You hang out with that guy so much! I can't trust you anymore.


I'm breaking up with you.

The thing I feared, happened. He broke up with me because of some stupid rumors.
The tears started rolling down my cheeks.

"Kristen! What happened?" My dad asked with concern.

"M...my...he..no...he...he broke up with me." I tried to say.

"He read the paper." My dad concluded.

"Y...ye...yes. Dad why am I so stupid?"
I sobbed.

"You aren't! That boy is stupid for breaking up with you! He couldn't get any better than you and if he believed those rumors, let him! That's the sign he doesn't trust you enough." My dad said.

He had a point. But there was only one place I wanted to go now.

"Dad, I'm going to a friend's house. I'll be back tomorrow. Thanks for cheering me up a bit. I love you dad. Don't worry about me. Bye." I said.

And then I grabbed my bag and packed my pyjamas and some fresh underwear for the morning.
I threw my tooth paste and tooth brush in the bag and then I left the home.

I was going to a place where someone would be to support me, a shoulder to cry on.

Someone who loved me. Who accepted me.

I was going to Roberts place.

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