First Chat

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This couldn't be true.
I didn't want him to play Edward.
Or did I?
I had a boyfriend!

But I couldn't denial I liked Robert in some ways.

We walked in silence to the building and we just said a quiet "bye" at the intrance.

I was happy we could talk about something else; the books.
We had to say what we tought about them and then we had to say if we still wanted to play the role.

Ofcourse I wanted to.
I wasn't going to say no for a boy.
No, this would be professional.

We got our scripts and we were send home to study our lines.

2 weeks later

I studied a lot. I almost know all my lines and today we had to go to the set to start shooting.
I tought a lot of Robert...but I didn't like it. Michael knew something was wrong but I said it just was the stress.
I didn't dare to tell him I tought about another boy a lot.
Today I would see him again. I didn't like the fact I was looking forward to it.

I arrived at the set and went straight to the building.

"Oh hey Kristen! Just in time. Did you learn your lines?" The director asked.

"Oh yes ofcourse!" I said with confidence.

"Ohh perfect!" She smiled.
"Robert did you learn them?"

I didn't notice he was there till she said his name.
I turned my head in the direction the woman looked and chought him looking at me before he answered the question.

Not good...not good.

I kept thinking about the way he looked at me. It was as if he were in heaven or something.

We had to go to the dressing room to get our clothes for the first scene.

"Hey."a voice I recognised said.

I spinned around and saw him. He was one head taller than me.

"Hey." I sighed.

"What's up? You look...worried."

"Oh nothing. I was judt thinking about my boyfriend..." I lied.

I saw his face change from enthousiast to sad...dissapoinent...anger and then sad again.
I hurt him, I knew it for sure.

"Oh okay." He said when his face was back to normal.

"And what about you?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." I could hear the tone in his voice. And it was far from fine.
I didn't like hurting him.

"What are you thinking about?" He asked, interrupting my toughts.

"Oh...told you? Michael." I hated to say it again.

"Sorry. Forgot about that." He smiled.

"No problem." I said as I started walking again.

"Don't run away from me." He laughed.

"I don't. We have to go to the shooting place, remember?" I laughed back.

"Oh yeah, I'll come with you."

I enjoyed his precense, I couldn't denial that. Though, I didn't like it.

"Okay." I said quickly.

"Can I have your phone number?" He asked

I froze where I stood. What did I have to do?
I decided very quickly and started walking again.
It wasn't bad if I gave him my number, right? Friends can text too.

He gave me his phone and I typed my number.
"Here you go."

"Thanks." He smiled.

We had to go to a building with hair dressers and people who would give us our clothes and make up we had to wear during the first scene.

When everything was done, I started walking towards the place I had to be for the first scene.

Robert joined me again, but I didn't mind.
We talked some about our roles.

We arrived at the place we had to be for the first scene and we started shooting.

After shooting the first scene.

I had to go home so my dad picked me up. Home wasn't the right word. My dad hired a little house close to the set, so we would live there for a few months.

He had already moved my clothes from the hotelroom to the house.

I went straight to my room and watched my phone.
2 messages;
First one:

Hey babe, I miss you! How was your first day at the set? I hope you enjoyed it! How are the other actors and actress?
Love you!

These messages made me smile. I replied quickly and discribed my day. I told him the actors and actress were very nice. I didn't tell him how much I liked Ribert ofcourse.

The second message:

Hey Kristen. It's Robert. Can't wait till tomorrow!

I replied I couldn't wait either and then went to bed because it was already late.

I wished them both goodnight and then fell asleep.

I was dreaming about beautiful things. But I wished they weren't so beautiful.

I dreamt about Robert...

Love behind the scenes isn't easy (Robsten)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя