Chapter 1- Homeworld Bound

Start from the beginning

Then Spinel and Spinel Diamond started to dance in an energetic and crazy dance shaking the ground in the process and further annoying and scarring Steven a little bit

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Then Spinel and Spinel Diamond started to dance in an energetic and crazy dance shaking the ground in the process and further annoying and scarring Steven a little bit. The other Diamonds and the Gems and other aliens that where at the Diamond's Palace weren't surprised a lot, since White Diamond let at least one Gem possess her for a day.

Their thoughts were more about which Gem was possessing White Diamond at that moment and others were making bets on which Gem was possessing White Diamond at that moment: Spinel or her adopted granddaughter or another Gem. Each way, it seemed that the Gem possessing White Diamond (and White Diamond herself) were having a lot of fun.

-Tadaa!!!- Spinel and Spinel Diamond said finishing her dance.

Steven was showing the deepest expression of perturbation and disgust. He never felt so much cringe in his life before. White Diamond, on the other hand, find all her possessions exciting, as well that Spinel.

-You don't like it?- Spinel and Spinel Diamond asked.

-I-its fine- Steven said don't knowing what to say.

White Diamond ended the possession and returned to her normal and white self.

-Oh, what fun. Thank you Spinel, but why don't you leave me and Steven alone for a moment- White Diamond said.

-Okay, don't take too long- Spinel said leaving the room, poking her head in just before the doors close.

-Now, what is it exactly?- White Diamond asked calmed, feeling that Steven had an inner conflict.

-I've been getting more powerful. New Diamond powers are coming out everyday and it's, it's scaring me- Steven explained worried.

-Oh Steven, so many would dream or kill to have your powers. Well, actually, there are a bunch of ungrateful humans that tried to kill you and my Starlight to gain your powers, even after all the sacrifices that she made to save that planet of yours. But why are you worrying? You should be happy having now more chances to help more humans and Gems- White Diamond said.

-I'm scared I'm gonna hurt people; I guess I already have- Steven said.

Seeing the worries of her grandson, White Diamond sits down. It was the first time that she saw Steven worried about himself and not the others or a global threating menace.

-Half a Diamond, half a creature of earth, in all the universe there's no one else that could know what you're going through, so maybe it's time you talked to yourself- White Diamond said putting her index finger in Steven.

Steven, with a little sense of horror, pushed away White Diamond's finger. White Diamond felt a little sad, since she remembered the time that she pulled out Pink Diamond's Gemstone from Steven's body, almost killing him at a desperate attempt to bring back Pink. However, she loosed her millenniums ago. But at that instant an idea came into her mind. A wild idea that might work to help Steven, besides she prohibited her to do it.

-"I'm sorry. I'm going to break my promise, but this is the best for Steven"- White Diamond thought while getting emotional.

-Well, there is actually someone that might help you Steven- White Diamond said.

-Really?- Steven said with some hope in his voice.

-Yes, she might vivid through a similar process like the one that you suffering now and maybe she is the only one that can understand you better and help you- White Diamond said holding her tears.

-Wow, that's so nice... and, why are you crying?- Steven said.

-Oh, this is nothing- White Diamond said drying her tears –I am just getting a little bit emotional by this and I am expressing my true feelings. It is a healthy thing to do Steven-

-Yeah... so, when I am going to see this Gem? Do I know her?- Steven asked.

-You are going to see here in a few seconds. And yes, do you know her, but not exactly at person- White Diamond said starting to shine at different colors.

-Wait!? What do you mean!?- Steven asked.

White Diamond focused for the essence to take control of her body and she made her possess her. White Diamond stopped to shine and her Diamond had a different color, having the one similar to Steven's one. Her clothes were now pink, as well that her skin and her hair. But this pink color was lighter than Spinel's one and Steven seemed to remember that he saw that pink color before.

The now pink "White" Diamond looked at Steven and she started to cry of happiness. It was a moment that she dreamed a long time ago and it was finally becoming true, but not in the way that had planned.

-Hello Steven- the pink "White" Diamond said.

Steven recognized at the instant the voice that was coming from the possessed White Diamond. It was the voice of his mother, Rose Quartz/Pink Diamond.

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