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A guttural belch echoes throughout the living room, followed by the sharp annoying crackle of thin aluminum caving in on itself. The source of these noises, a woman, sat on a ragged brown couch that she had snagged from a yard sale a few months ago. She was pretty sure someone had died on it but hey, it was cheap and only had one or two suspicious-looking stains on it that she sat far away from.

After tossing the crushed can of soda onto the coffee table in front of her, she snatched up the bowl of cheese puffs that had been settled on her lap along with her remote. A groan of unadulterated satisfaction slips out as she sags against the old, probably haunted, couch. It was Friday, which meant she could do whatever she pleased now that her work for the week was finished. This week, instead of sleeping the rest of the day away while the sun was still high in the sky, she decided to sit in front of her hand-me-down television, gorge on junk food that she impulse-bought earlier that day, and ferment.

As she scrolled through the movies that were displayed on the television screen, she couldn't help but thank every godly being in existence that her close friend was merciful enough to share his streaming accounts with her. Even though she was making decent money as a freelance painter, it wasn't enough. She had just started and there weren't enough eyes on her work, so... here she was. Living in a dump apartment with a dog practically frothing at the mouth and barking for hours on end downstairs, and a couple upstairs who scream bloody murder at each other before inevitably having even louder make-up sex weekly.

Luckily with how well things are going with her new job, it looks like she'll be able to move out in a few more months to live in a less shitty apartment. However, she's not going to worry about that right now. Right now, she can finally relax. It may be raining and thundering, and the dog downstairs may still be barking, but that didn't matter because tonight she can indulge in one of her favorite pastimes.


Licking off the cheese dust from her fingers, a faint smile works its way up to her lips as she selects one particular movie. It was one of the movies of a trilogy that she and her close friend enjoyed a lot. Probably to the point where it was kind of unhealthy, but who cares? They are full-bred geeks who love anything and everything fantasy even though her friend ruins it sometimes when he points out something that isn't factual, which is stupid because it was fantasy! That's the whole point! Then again he probably knew how much that annoyed her and did it to mess with her— you know what, he definitely knew. Jerk.

The woman shoved a handful of cheesy goodness into her mouth as the mystical elf on the screen spoke in her native tongue to begin the three-hour masterpiece of a film. Half paying attention, her mind drifted off to ponder on what her friend might be doing right now but ended up snorting as soon as she thought about it. He was probably doing something stupid again in that basement of his and other borderline illegal projects that she had repeatedly told him not to do.

Shaking her head in exasperation, she refocuses her attention on the screen. Like always, she enjoys every second she watches the movie and looks forward to each moment that the hobbit with the world on his shoulders pops up on the screen. She could never get tired of these movies. Watching it wasn't as great as it was the first time around, but still amazing nonetheless.

She blindly sets down her now empty bowl on the coffee table as she begins to frown, visibly cringing at the scene currently playing. The Fellowship was battling in the caves of Moria and it was almost time for... that scene.

Yes, she knows that Gandalf ends up rising from the dead and that all of them are actors reenacting the creation of a genius author's imagination, but it feels a little too real. After watching the movie a couple of times it wasn't until then did it really hit her that Gandalf was a close friend to the majority of the Fellowship for years. Naturally, she began to imagine herself in their place and had to pause the movie every time so that she could have a quick ugly cry.

Sleepy Holo [Legolas x Male OC]Where stories live. Discover now