Chapter 3: Dark Necessities by The Red Hot Chili Peppers

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"Well a this girl-i mean kids from are school are going to the roller rink today and I thought maybe we could go too" Greg says

"Yeah that's sounds fun Greg but you have to agree to introduce me to this girl"

"Fine" he says shyly

You grab the dishes and wash them while the boys go into the living room to play some new video game that Greg got

When you finish you go upstairs and into the guest room you take out your AirPods and try to think what your gonna tell Rodrick, not that you care what he thinks of you but if he tells his mom she'll tell your mom and then you are so dead

Then you hear a knock at the door

"Yeah" you say annoyed

Then the door Bursts open

"What do you want freak"

"I want to know about what you were doing in the bathroom"

"Fuck you"

"Alright then let me just call my mom and see how responsible she thinks you are when she finds out you snort coke"

"Rodrick stop close the door and I'll tell you ok"

"That's more like It"

"By the way It's not coke"

"I saw white powder don't lie to me Y/N"

"Here look"

You pull out a baby aspirin bottle and dump out the contents which are various painkillers

"What are those"

"Painkillers, I-I crush them up and snort them okay, are you happy now"



"I want to know why, I want to make sure your not some crazy druggie"

"Trust me I'm not a crazy druggie and I don't think you want to know why"

"Oh I think I do"

"Fine but don't look at me different when I tell you"

"Got it"

"I do it so I feel good enough to not want to kill myself 24/7, is that a good enough answer for you"

"Oh shit Y/N I-I'm sorry I shouldn't have pried I mean I don't know what to say"

"Hey dude you're looking at me differently and if you don't stop I'm going to have to punch the look off of your face"

"Ok sorry"

"Uh does it work" he says as he scratches his neck

"Yeah but it's very temporary it feels better than being drunk though it's feels like your head is floating and your very awake"

"Oh can I try"

"Excuse me, YOU  want to try to get high"

"Uh yeah"

"I mean I guess but just promise me you won't get addicted because I only do it when I really feel down and I don't buy drugs I just use leftover prescriptions or otcs like Benadryl so I can't really get you anything if you get addicted ok"

"I promise I won't get addicted"

"Ok let's do it in the bathroom and we'll lock the door this time" you say as you shoot him a look

You grab his hand and walk over to the bathroom with your bag and compact  while taking a peek downstairs making sure they boys don't see you.

Once you get in the bathroom you lock the door

"Do you have a dollar"

"Uh yeah I think so"

"We'll come on get it out"

He brings out a dollar and you roll it up for him and take a bobby-pin out of you bag to keep it rolled up

"Here, I'll go first and show you how to do it" you say as you pull out your compact your own rolled  dollar and place the compact on the sink while putting the dollar in your nose

"Make sure it's pointed up or else it will go down your throat and it will still get you high but your mouth will taste rancid"

"Got it"

Then you get closer to the line of powder and plug one side of your nose and snort then lift your head up and breathe out and tilt your head back and plug your nose a little

"If it burns just put a little bit of water in your finger and touch your nose with it, and your nose will feel plugged but don't worry about it will go away quick"

"What is that anyway"

"Just painkillers relax their safe"

"Yeah ok" he puts the dollar up his nose

Does it feel like it's high and close to the hole in your nose

"Uh yeah I think"

"Ok then go for it but don't breathe out until you're done please or you'll waste it"

"Ok" he gets down close to the compact and plugs one nostril and snorts and then takes a breath

"Tilt your head back and plug your nose"

He does so and then he stops

"Does it burn"

"Yeah a little"

"Put a little water in it and it should go away"

After he puts water in his nose

"You did good heffley for it being your first time you took it like a champ"


Then you both hear a loud knocking at the door

Shit Rodrick says

I heard that Rodrick get out I need to go and Rowleys in the other bathroom

"Give me a second"

You start cleaning up in the bathroom

"Relax he won't see anything"

"He'll see us walking out together."

"Don't worry I already have a plan"

"Ok but it better be good"

He unlocks the door and you both walk out

Eyeliner Daydreams Rodrick Heffley X FemreaderWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu