A path paved in darkness

Start from the beginning

"(Y/N)? Are you ok? Speak to me! (Y/N)?!" Multiple feet running could be heard behind Alef, and he started to be lifted up. He panicked. "What are you doing?! Let me go this instant! I am your prince! Listen to me!" 

"I deeply apologize your majesty! But we can't let you fall ill as well. We need to get you away from the patient immediately. Guards! Move out!"

Alef fought, kicked, and screamed. "No! (Y/N) needs me! I can't leave them! LET GO! (Y/N) STAY WITH ME! DON'T GO! PLEASE DON'T GO!" 

 Alef jolted from the memory with a gasp. He hyperventilated for a short time before letting out his contained sobs. Tears streaked his face but could be mistaken by droplets of rain. As if things couldn't get worse, (Y/N)'s death wasn't all that happened to make the prince miserable. It was the health of the kingdom itself. The elders have given Alef the time to grieve, taking over his duties for the time being. But it wasn't doing so well. There was a huge lack of supplies affecting the realms. His people weren't getting the resources they need as ships that held food and water and other sorts of materials were getting lost in their travels. 

Half of the population was suffering and gone from the absence of nutrients. He knew the elders were doing everything they can, but it wasn't enough. Alef had to come out of mourning to hear the complaints of his people and attempted to assure them that help is on the way. But some didn't listen and went against him. These rebel groups wreaked havoc across the kingdom, burning villages to gain the prince's attention that they mean business. If he doesn't act quickly, more people will die. 

Alef's whole body shook and shivered. (Y/N) died. His people are in a state of hardship. The rebel groups. Those around him are expecting him to solve every problem. Whining, complaining, screaming at him to fix them. 

'It's all too much...! TOO MUCH!' 

He craned his head to glare daggers into the sky. 

"Is this what you wanted?!" He screamed up to the foggy skies. "So (Y/N) dying wasn't enough punishment for me?! You chose more people to die?! Is this some sort of sick motivation for me to take responsibility?! You are our Mother Bird! Our protector!" His vocal cords strained with each scream, but Alef didn't care. The sky didn't answer his rant. It only rained harder. His eyes blazed with anger and hatred that reached the heavens. "ANSWER ME COWARD!" He screamed again. "STOP HIDING IN THOSE CLOUDS AND FACE ME, YOU UNGRATEFUL EXCUSE FOR A GOD!-AH!" Alef shrieked as he slipped on the mud and went tumbling down a hill. He yelped in pain as sticks and rocks hit him the farther he rolled down the hill. 

He finally reached the foot of the hill, groaning. He shakily sat up, sometimes losing his balance, and spat out curses. His clothes were all muddied and his long hair was now a nest of mud and sticks. The rain washed off most of the mud as he pulled the leaves and sticks out. A cooing of a manta stopped what he was doing and drew his attention to listen. Alef stood up and tried to find the sound. He moved a curtain of wet moss to reveal a small clearing. 

A baby manta seemed to be fluttering about near, what seemed to be, a diamond. It was smooth, dark, and had a dull blue lining around the edges. Alef had seen a rock like that before in some of the murals. What was it that Elder Teth called it again? Darkstone? The manta nudged the diamond with its snout, wanting a reaction. The darkstone glowed and the manta squealed as some unknown force pulled it nearer. Alef jumped in surprise. A golden dust seemed to be flowing out of the light creature and being absorbed into the stone. Alef winced, hearing the baby manta screech in agony having its life source being literally sucked out. 

Alef's mind was yelling at him to help the poor animal, anything. But his body stayed still. He just...watched. Stared with a curiosity as the manta's light drained. He wanted to know what happens to it if all of light was taken away. The little manta cried out but abruptly went silent and dropped dead. A blackened corpse lied on the grass, what used to be a manta. The blue lines of the darkstone pulsated with energy. It was calling to Alef. Urging him to come closer. He sauntered closely to it and picked it up. Surprisingly, it didn't suck out his own light. He studied it, turning on one side to look further into it. Maybe this diamond is his solution to his problems! He ran back to the direction of Teth's temple, thrilled to show her his ambition.  

Yes, the prince had found something he thought would benefit the kingdom, but how many lives will it cost?


Lowkey kinda headcanon Alef's voice to be Anakin from Star Wars? Like Anakin who played movies 2 and 3 (Hayden Christensen). What do you guys think? Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed! More of Alef will come, I actually have a request for him in the works, so watch out for that one too! Please go to the request page if you want me write a certain character. 

(1507 words)

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