Snowballs (Peeking Postman x Reader)

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Hello readers! I AM BACK! I am so so sorry I have not updated in almost two months :') I just had no motivation to work on this book and school and other things has been invading my mind since then. Stress has been eating me away, and I feel tired all the time. I'm sorry again. But I swear I will make it up with new one shots for the days I missed during the winter break. I will deliver to them like St Nicholas on a Christmas night. Requests are still open, and thank you so much for 1.3K views on this book. You guys are great!

Key things:

(Y/N) is your name.

I see Peeking Postman as non-binary, so I will use they/them pronouns.



Not requested.


"Hey, Peek!"

The postman turned around to see you running towards them with a big smile on your face, your cape billowing in the air behind as you ran. Their face flushed red at the sight of you and almost yelped when you stopped in front of them. Flurries of snow hit Peek as you skidded to a halt.

"O-Oh! Hi, (Y-Y/N)..." Peek nervously greeted.

"Whatcha doing today?" You asked.

"I'm just delivering the mail, like I always do." They gestured to their bag filled with letters and their little sled littered with packages.

"Ohh, I see. Well, do you need help with delivering them? It looks like a lot and I don't mind." You offered. Peek blushed at the suggestion. They were glad that they had their rabbit mask to cover it. The thought of spending time with you warmed their heart and have a ticklish feeling. Even if it was just delivering mail.

"I-I, uh, thank you!" They blurted. "You have no idea how long it takes me to do it by myself. I appreciate i-it." You giggled. "No problem! It'll give us time to hang out!"

The two of you started to walk around the village, putting letters in each spirit's mailbox and leaving packages in front of their doors.

"So what have you've been doing since the last time we met?" Peek asked. You two stopped to take a break at a nearby post.

"Mm, well, nothing much. I've been candle running with friends and playing instruments in high places. Also! I got a new cape!" You grabbed the magical fabric at the ends, flapping it slightly. "Do you like it? It's one that I have been wanting to get for a long time. I am so glad that I got enough candles to buy it!"

"I think it fits with you well. You look beautiful..." They replied bashfully. You blushed in response and your eyes sparkled in delight. "Aww! Thanks Peek! You're so sweet." You then proceeded to give your friend a hug. The rabbit postman's face was so red, that their own mask might have been jealous of them. They shakily wrapped their arms around you, returning the hug and nuzzled your shoulder. They never wanted to let go, you felt so soft and warm against them. But...

Peek suddenly broke away from the hug and scratched the back of their neck, nervous out of their wits. "Hahaha, you're w-welcome! But, let's c-continue. We s-still have a-a lot of mail!" They picked the rope of the sled, and began to walk fast.

"Peek! Hey, wait up!" You called after them, trying to keep up with their pace.

It was soon getting dark, as the warm colors of the seemingly never ending sunset of the Valley began to change into a more blueish color. And right on time too, as you and Peek were almost done with their postman duties!

You let out a sigh of exhaustion, and turned to Peek. "We almost done? I'm so tired..." You whined.

"Um, just one more. That's all, and we're done for today." They reassured. You nodded, and began to walk to the last house on the block. "Hey, this is Mrs Dreams' household! I wonder if her daughter's here." You said, excitement rising in your voice as you remembered the young skater.

"Peek? (Y/N)?" Said a voice. You and Peek turned your heads to see, coincidentally, the skater.

"Hey Yumi." Peek greeted.

Yumi smiled and went over to give them both hugs. "It's nice to see you guys! You two delivering the mail together?"

"U-um, yeah..." Peek answered.

"How cute!" Yumi let out a little squeal and Peek blushed. "Yumi! Quit it!"

"Oh c'mon! When are you going to actually confess? You had a crush on-" Yumi was cut of mid-sentence by Peek slapping their hand on her mouth. "Shh! She'll hear you!" Fortunately for them, you weren't paying any attention to their conversation. You were making snowballs and juggling them, although failing each time you tried to do it again.

Peek quickly let go, feeling something wet and slimy touch their hand. "Ew! did you just lick my hand? Gross!" They wiped the saliva off with their cape and Yumi laughed.

You on the other hand was feeling quite mischievous as you looked at the white ball of snow in your hand. You aimed your snowball to the back of Peek's head and threw. Once the snowball had made it's impact, Peek stopped arguing with Yumi and turned around to face you. They saw you with a smug look and catching a snowball up and down.

"What the-" They were again hit by a snowball, this time on their mask. Yumi laughed again. But she too, was hit by a snowball in the face. She looked at you with an expression of shock, but soon turned into a competitive one.

"Snowball fight!" You yelled, grabbing another clump of snow.

"Oh you are so on!" Peek yelled and did the same thing. Yumi as well. It then turned into a full on out snowball war. With each of you defending on your own side.

Yumi was adding huge clumps into her snowball, making it as big as possible. When she was done, she aimed it towards you. You were currently busy with Peek, making it a perfect shot. 'Aim,!'

Throwing it with all her might, Yumi's snowball went flying towards your direction. You didn't see it, but Peek did. They left their post and ran to block the giant snowball. You only noticed what was happening when Peek crashed into you. The snowball flew above you guys, barely missing.

You and Peek were breathing heavily, until you noticed the awkward position you were in. You were pinned right beneath them, their hands placed on either side of your head. You could feel the heat rushing to your face.

"(Y/N)? alright?" Peek panted, trying to catch their breath.

"...uh-huh. Thanks..." You said, still feeling flustered. "If you don't mind, do you think you can get off of me?" You chuckled nervously. Peek gasped and realized the situation. They quickly got off and started to ramble. "I-I'm sorry (Y/N)! It's just t-that Yumi's snowball was about t-to hit you and I-I didn't want to get you hurt! It just so big and it was barreling at you-" They stuttered. You giggled and kissed them on their mask. "My hero." You commented affectionately. This caused to Peek shut up, and their heart had began to beat rapidly. They let out a loving sigh and plopped into the snow.

Yumi had abandoned her post and came up to you and Peek. "Oh my, sorry about the snowball. Are you guys OK?" She asked with an apologetic tone. You flashed her with a smile. "It's OK! We're fine. Well, me I suppose." You gestured to the rabbit postman in the snow. "C'mon, let's get them up." You and Yumi supported Peek on both sides, and trudged on to the direction of their home.

"Hey (Y/N)?" Peek asked tiredly.


"Are we now a couple?" You gave them a tender kiss on the cheek. "Does that answer your question?" Peek let out a low chuckle in response.

"Wah-wait, you guys are a thing now?! When did that happen?" Yumi asked. You laughed as the three of you walked homeward bound. Or in this case, Peek's.


Happy holidays! I will try to update with more stories to come. Keep an eye out!

(1407 words)

Sky: Children of the light One shots! {SLOW UPDATES}حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن