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Hiii RAE


It's Yuli Yk Yuliwasloved

Omg hi im a fan of you ur so pretty


how are you

I'm alr me and corpse just planned a stream together for Saturday

Oh I've been meaning to ask how you know corpse cause whenever I ask him he just ignores the question😭

It's a funny story
He accidentally got a the area code wrong while trying to text his friend
And idk guess we just got along and here we are almost 2 months later

Oh wow
I thought you guys just knew each other though Nataliplays or through socialmedia

guess it was just faith

So is their anything more going on between u two

me and him just joke around a lot

Oh I though you two would be cute together

I mean we never done anything that wasn't a "joking" flirty so I don't think anything is going on

But how do u feel about him

Are u trying to set us up🤨

I mean I'm not forcing u or pressuring u to like him I'm just a lovesick girl trying to make her ship come true🤭

Well I'm not saying nothing will never happen but I just don't feel any sparks between us yet

Welp it's okay a girl can dream

Rae will you be my friend

Ofc I will

Yay I have someone other then Nati to talk shit about Corpse
with 😁😁

LMAO gtg stream now ttyl

Comment if ur reading this I'm convinced the reads are bots 🥲

Mistake I Don't Regret- Corpse x OCWhere stories live. Discover now