Chapter 34 - Clearing the Air

Start from the beginning

Astra did as her sister asked, sitting down at her dressing table while Zelda stood behind her and began brushing her hair.

"You look all Princessy with that fancy dress and crown," said Astra as she looked at her sister's reflection in the mirror.

"It's called a circlet, and thank you - I think. Princessy? Is that even a word? Anyway, you're lucky Mother feels you're still too young to get dressed up for these ceremonies, or you would be wearing a long dress, too."

"I guess so."

"You have such beautiful hair, Astra," said Princess Zelda as she brushed it. "And it goes so well with your bright blue eyes. You should let it grow longer."

"Longer hair gets in the way when I play."

"There! That's much better," said her sister as she put the brush down, satisfied Astra's hair was neater looking. "Do you want to bring along your toy boat? You can sail it around the water there while we wait for Mother."

"Good idea! I'll get it," said Astra, as she got up and retrieved her toy boat from her closet.

Astra clutched her boat with one hand and held her sister's hand with the other as they walked from Astra's room and out of the castle, then across Castle Town.

"Is it a long ceremony today, Sis?"

"Not too long. A few medals and two senior promotions. But you need to behave yourself once it starts. These ceremonies are important to the soldiers and their families, so you need to stay quiet and dignified. That means no making faces or fooling around."

"Trust me, Sis. I'm not a baby anymore," said Astra as she squeezed her sister's hand, and they both laughed. "I guess you can't run around and play with me in that long dress."

"No, definitely not! I need to stay neat and presentable. Mother said I could officiate at ceremonies like this on her behalf when I'm older, so I also need to pay attention. And by the way, that reminds me: don't you dare splash me like you did at our picnic! Mother won't think it's funny, and you'll get in trouble."

"I'll behave, Sis. I wouldn't want you to trip and fall in that dress trying to avoid a splash. And we wouldn't want your circle thing to fall off and roll away like circle things do".

"You're so cute sometimes!" laughed her sister as she bent down and kissed Astra on the forehead. "It's called a circlet, sweetheart, with a 't' at the end, not a circle thing. And, no, we wouldn't want that either."

They reached the Sacred Grounds, where some guards were busy getting things ready for the ceremony, and Astra began sailing her boat in the water surrounding the ceremonial platform while her sister watched her.

Astra smiled as the memory ended.

"I hope you're well, dear sister," said Astra. "I'm sleeping in your room now, and I think of you daily. I miss you."

Astra sighed, put the circlet down on the end table, and then walked to her window.

"Now, let's briefly look at the world outside our window before bed."

Astra pushed aside the curtain and opened her bedroom window, and at once, a brisk, steady breeze rustled the curtain and filled the room with cool, fresh air. Astra stood at the window and looked to the south. It was a mostly clear evening with a sky full of stars, only a few wisps of clouds here and there. A few guards were making their rounds patrolling the castle grounds.

Looking beyond the castle, you could make out a quiet Castle Town. Only a few lamps were still lit there, almost all merchants having closed shop by now, eager to rest after a hectic day serving the crowd of tourists. But a few stalls were still open, primarily those offering food and drink to late-night revelers who could never bear to see a good party end.

Life in Zora's Domain - Part TwoWhere stories live. Discover now