Gen smiled and met your eyes. His special knowledge regarded psychology and reading people, so of course he would be the first one to notice what went on deep inside of you. "Do you want to check the telescope that we built for Senku-chan? I'm sure you visited us so that you can spend his birthday with him." He asked you, very well knowing that he would wrap you around his finger with the telescope. He figured that it would be best to not touch on the topic that tortured your mind and that you need to distract yourself.

Gen, the mastermind manipulator that he is, mischievously grinned as soon as he saw you approach Chrome's hideout. "I assume that you built it in Chrome's mineral storage, since that's the best view for using a telescope." You spoke and both Gen and Kohaku smiled at each other, proud to have been successful in including you. "Didn't actually expect your prediction about her visiting us to turn out true." Kohaku complimented her bi-color-haired comrade and he cockily grinned. "Love is stronger than people think, so the chance of her visiting us tonight was high."

"You know that I can hear you. I'm literally five foot steps ahead of you." You spoke in a strict and annoyed voice and Gen pursed his lips, cheeping a high-pitched "Sorry" your way. Kohaku laughed at his action. "You really have him under your control, huh?" You turned around. "Of course. If I wouldn't, he would spread false information about me and I know from experience that rumors are very stressful and draining." You climbed up the ladder and looked at the telescope, slightly smiling. "Wow, that looks like a solid telescope... I'll check it out real quick."

Your eyes dazzled in amazement that despite living in the stone world now, you indeed stood in front of a telescope. The village put a lot of effort into building that and you were impressed by Gen instructing them to build it, despite him not being as deep inside the matters of science as you and Senku were. You crouched down a little and finally took a glimpse into it.

The image of Saturn fell into your observing eye and you couldn't help but smile like a child. "Wow, we've caught the perfect hour for observing Saturn!" You stood up and looked at Gen, proudly smiling at him. "On January you can usually see Uranus and Jupiter all night, but you can also observe Saturn for around two hours." You told him. "Alright, so all we have to do is wait for Prince Charming to arrive." "Ew. Since he's not here to tell you, I will. Don't call him that." Gen intimidatedly smiled. "Sorry sorry..."

"Oh, really?" Kohaku spoke and both you and Gen turned around. "Thank you. We'll be right there." She answered a villager and turned around. "Seems like 'prince charming' is back." Gen mischievously smirked. "I see, I see. Bring the blindfold and the ropes to tie him up." Kohaku nodded and hopped down to fetch them, while you confusedly watched her do so. "Uh...Blindfolds do sound like a normal choice for surprising someone but...why the hell do you want to tie him up?"

After a while, they then brought Senku here and you suppressed your giggle when you saw him tied up with a blindfold. But you immediately stopped smiling when you noticed the negative emotions in his expression. "So you did notice what the best move is." He spoke. "By handing me out, your village is safe and he won't-" Kohaku eyed him in confusion. "What are you talking about? We brought you here for this." She interrupted him and lifted his blindfold, only for him to see the telescope. His eyes widened.

Huh, so he thought that they would betray him and bring him to Tsukasa in order to keep the village safe... That was a reasonable assumption, but it seemed like that village really cared for him. If not, they would have done that much earlier.

"They built that all on their own, lettuce boy." You told him and he flinched as he heard your nickname for him. "Annoying cow?? You're here too??" You gave him a sarcastic smirk. "Of course I am. It's your special day." He chuckled and shook his head. "So you came all the way to our village on your own, only for my birthday?" His eyes were gentle as he gave you a warm smile. "You're crazy."

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