Chapter 32

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"Do you have everything?" Your friend Nikki asked as you put your self-made backpack around your shoulders. "Yes, I'm ready." You answered and Ukyo chuckled a little. "Wouldn't it be better if you sleep a little and start your journey at day?" He suggested and you shook your head. "I barely sleep and I grew used to that. Also, if I walk around with a torch in my hand, no animal will attack me. Daytime is more dangerous. If something tries to attack me, I'll simply kill it with the fire or my knife and arrows." Ukyo nervously scratched his neck. "You sound like you're ready to enter a warzone..."

You looked at the communication plane that you've hidden in the forest and surrounded by traps. "Please don't move around during these three days. This grass field is full of traps that I built. If you trigger these you'll get hurt or even killed and I can build them again from the beginning. If it's snowing, stay inside. It's even harder to avoid the traps when the ground is covered in snow." You warned them and both nervously laughed. "Now that we grew to know your real self a little, that sounds like you..." Both noted and you giggled. "Take care, alright?" They waved you goodbye and watched you walk off, waving back at them. "Bye, you two!!"

You carefully watched your steps as left your self-made minefield and soon started to run your way to Chrome's village. These months of working like a madlad benefited your physical health, since you now had stamina that went a little above average. The opposite could have been said about your social battery, you were damn relieved to have some alone time again and to gather up some mental energy for all the people in the village, Senku included.

Despite that, you would never beat that cotton candy girl that daily lifted 10 gallons of water for her sick sister, but you were in a healthier shape now. Well, physically... If your parents only knew how scrambled up your psyche is, they would feel guilty for months.

There were a thousand thoughts about possible outcomes regarding Tsukasa and Hyoga that never left your mind, but you tried to not focus on these thoughts right now. These days now are special. You wanted to meet Senku. You could hold on a few months longer of neglecting your mental stability.

The cold air and snow that started falling midway couldn't stop you from your goal to meet him again, he was like a tiny holiday for your mind. You were excited to meet him again. Your heart didn't stop beating because of that and helped you in keeping yourself warm aside from your never stopping moving. What even is sleep? What even are rests?

After a long walk all on your own in the cold forests of Japan and your excited smile never leaving your face, you finally spotted a familiar flag that was tied on a wooden pole. It was Chrome's storage. You were early for half an hour, 23:31, 3rd January of 5379.

"It's next year already too, right..." You mumbled to yourself as soon as you realized that January is the beginning of the year. You smiled at that realization. You might have called other people illogical for thinking this way, but you liked the symbolics of the new year right now. This year was the most stressful one you've ever gotten to experience, but you knew that you'd entered a new chapter in your life. This change in year reinforced that fact.

"Are my eyes fooling me?? Y/n!!" You heard from behind you and turned around, instinctively grabbing a weapon to defend yourself. But as soon as you saw the big blue hues of the cotton candy girl Kohaku, your eyes widened. You also were impressed by how she immediately recognized you from that distance. How good was that girl's vision?! "It's me, I won't fight you!" She laughed as she approached you and you remained silent. "I don't know if it's a coincidence since I can perfectly imagine that you already know, but it's Senku's birthday soon. Gen decided to surprise him, so do you want to help us?" She asked and Gen stepped closer to you two too.

"Y/n-channnn~ what a oincidence-cay!" He greeted you but stopped for a second. His eyes narrowed a little. 'Hmm. I can clearly see that something happened to her. She's feeling an intense emotion of negativity that she's trying to overplay with her apathetic attitude. The fact that I can see it despite her indestructible façade is telling me a lot. Her eye bags are even worse than what I'm used to seeing on her... But she also seems excited, huh? My lovely Y/n-chan knows about Senku-chan's birthday~~~~' Gen thought to himself. If you would have heard his thoughts and his image of you being in love, you would have ripped his brain out of his skull for even daring to think of you this way.

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