Part 2

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Crowley was on the outside porch of his flat tending to his outside plants. "There you are, no more leaf spots. Some proper sun did the trick…."

Crowley strolled back inside and glanced at his portrait of Aziraphale and smiled. Getting drunk with Aziraphale and Leonardo Da Vinci was one of the demon's most treasured memories. And that was saying something because Crowley had so many wonderful memories with his angel….

Crowley grinned when he recalled that his and Aziraphale's drunken storytelling inspired Da Vinci to paint the Mona Lisa. 

Although Crowley was still a little embarrassed that the particular story that inspired the artist involved Crowley when he dressed quite differently. 

Crowley couldn't resist that particular dress and that bastard Archangel Gabriel and Sandalphon didn't recognize him when he stood quietly next to Aziraphale when they ran into them on their way to a dinner date and Aziraphale had to say it was a random act of kindness he was doing for a lovely lady who's husband was away on business….

He and Aziraphale still laughed about it to this day. 

He had gifted them each a self portrait of themselves and two other paintings of the both of them together sitting side by side.

Aziraphale gave Crowley his portrait while Crowley gave his to Aziraphale and they each had a copy of the painting of them together. 

And DaVinci remained a close friend up until he passed…

Crowley sighed, thanks to this blasted lockdown it would be awhile before he would see Aziraphale again. The thought of sleeping again for such a long time….two months felt so long all of a sudden….didn't appeal to him at all.

"You know what fuck it." Crowley said to himself. "I'm not going to let a stupid lockdown keep me from my angel…." Crowley darted to his telephone in his study and dialed Aziraphale's phone number,  his thoughts already dancing with images of Aziraphale's sparkling blue eyes, smile and pale blond hair….

Crowley jumped when there was a knock on his door. Crowley froze, who the hell could that be? He didn't get visitors except when….

"Crowley? It's me, Aziraphale. I uh…decided to go pop over for a visit…unless you were busy…"

Aziraphale was startled by how fast Crowley's door swung open. 

"Aziraphale! Hi! Welcome! Come in please!" The words tumbled out of Crowley's mouth before he could stop and think. 

Aziraphale couldn't help but smile at the sight before him. Crowley was wearing a pair of boxers and a black tank top. And he wasn't wearing those glasses to the angel’s delight. 

"Are you sure dear boy? You look as if you're about to go to bed."

Crowley's face turned beet red. "N-No. Changed my mind. Come inside while I go change." Aziraphale chuckled as he entered the flat and Crowley scampered away.

Aziraphale glanced down at the picnic basket he brought with him. "I hope you don't mind but I brought us something to eat."

The sound of something bumping into something else was heard as Crowley stumbled out of what must have been the bedroom. 

"Right food. Sounds nice…" Crowley was now wear some jeans and a t shirt. He literally just grabbed the first thing he saw. 

"Well…"Aziraphale began, "I was thinking we could have an indoor picnic of sorts since it's currently not safe for us to be out and about." Aziraphale was blushing now. He was enamored by Crowley’s eyes yet again. 

Crowley nodded as he was lost in Aziraphale's blue eyes while Aziraphale was glad he was going to be able to enjoy Crowley's eyes up close and in person....


Good Omens Lockdown 2 (Bad Omens Prequel Short Story)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora