You were about to ignore her before you remembered you had decided to retaliate the previous day. You stop in your tracks.

"Right." You turn around. "Hey, Angela !"

Your exclamation surprises everyone, and immediately stops every discussion in the classroom. Everyone waits for Angela's reaction. She just tilts her head and raises an eyebrow, trying not to look impressed.

"If I can actually control people's minds with my gift, then you should watch out. Why wouldn't I have done it earlier ? I could have convinced everyone they hated you, but I didn't. Yet."

You let them ponder on this and walk out, ignoring most of your classmates' horrified faces, and the rest's pensive expressions as they wondered why, if you did have that power, you didn't use it earlier to make them worship you.

"Bold of you guys to assume I have a mind she can corrupt." Luca adds. "Lost mine years ago."

He gives them a salute, the same you did this morning when Angela was talking about you -but when is she not, let's be real-, and runs after you in the corridor.

"That was so cool !" He smiles at you as he catches up, and you can't help but giggle at his excitement.

"Really ? I was nervous I'd mess up my words, but I think I did pretty well." You confess, but he shakes his head reassuringly.

"You seemed very confident to me. I think some of them even started to question Angela's story." He pats your back warmly.

"Took you long enough." Carlos, who was leaning against the school's portal and entertaining himself by shooting death glares at the youngest students to scare them, says as you walk towards him. His amusement was betrayed by the small smirk that pulled on his lips every time a kid would accelerate their pace, not daring to look back at him.

"Well... Yeah, it's quite late." You realize you don't really have an excuse and give in. "Where are Mirabel and Camilo ?"

"They left because we passed snacktime. Mirabel took Camilo home, he was becoming unbearable."

"Understandable. Carlos, this is Luca."

Carlos raises an interested eyebrow, noticing Luca for the first time before leaning towards your new friend with an evil grin. "Hmm. What have we got here ?"

"Bro I just told you. His name's Luca." You push him slightly away.

Said Luca eyes you weirdly. "Now I'm the one to think your cousin might be a murderer."

"He wouldn't be wrong." Carlos nudges you playfully, and you sigh.

"He's harmless as long as you don't mention his hair." You show him your point by pulling Carlos' hair out of his face, making him gasp and retreat with a small hiss as he aggressively brushes his curls back in front of his eye. "Don't try to touch it either, I'm actually the only one that can get away with it."

Luca nods solemnly while Carlos gets his shit back together and tries to show an once of the dignity you had taken away from him.

"Ahem. I'm Carlos." He finally introduces himself.

"I figured." Luca answers. "Nice to meet you."

"Yeah..." He goes to make some snarky remark, so you give him a warning look. "I mean, same, I guess. Are you (Y/n)'s friend ?"

"Yup. Just skipped a grade and ended up in her class."

"Oh, so you're younger than her."


"You're a little baby."

"I'm pretty sure I'm still older than you."

"He's a baby." Carlos nods to you, and you agree. Luca rolls his eyes. "Anyway, prima ! Congratulations on making your first ever friend !" He meant to nag you about it, but you don't really care.

"Thank you, Carlos. I appreciate the support."

"It wasn't easy for her, you know." He pats Luca's back, having no idea how true that was. Carlos just thought you didn't like people.

"Yeah, Angela's-" You suddenly pinch his forearm and intensely look at him, and, fortunately, he's quick to understand. "... Angela's so scared of (Y/n), for absolutely no reason. I think it's because she has such an... intense gaze." He shrugs as he says that, and you finally divert your eyes, thinking he didn't do that bad to cover up his mistake.

"You mean she has a resting bitch face. Come on, you can say it." Carlos adds, before deciding he was hungry too, telling you to hurry up and starting to walk slightly ahead of you to prove his point.

Luca turns to you with a disapproving frown. "You didn't tell your family ?"

"Nope." You smile sadly.

"Why ?"

"I'm a Madrigal. I deal with my problems alone not to bother others. If it doesn't make sense right now, wait until you meet my Abuela."

words : 1340

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