Bitter Sweet

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Gabriel's Pov:

I was having a nice conversation with Angela while walking in the halls but then I felt a strong negative emotion. I excused myself then headed down to the lair.

"a woman is sad because there crush doesn't like them back please evilise this broken heart"

"Hello I'm Hawkmoth"


"How do you know my iden- wait Nathalie is that you, are you okay?"

"I'm f-fine sir"

"no you're not, I'm going to your room right now."

"no! sir wait-"


Nathalie's Pov:

I was still trying to process what just happened but then I heard somebody running up the stairs

of course, it's gonna Gabriel I sighed

he started knocking very frequently then let himself in before I could even say anything

he basically ran to the bed I was sitting on then sat beside me

he then put his arm around me which made me almost have a heart attack

Gabriel: Are you ok Nathalie? what happened, he said in a worried tone


Gabriel put two fingers on my chin and lifted my eye contact to him

Gabriel: you can tell me anything my peahen

I- wh-what?

he put his hand on my thigh slowly caressing it

I was stunned I didn't know what to say or do

I couldn't tell him the real reason so I just lied

I uh...had a rough day, I lied

Gabriel: I hope it gets better but it said that you were sad because of your crush or something

*Thoughts* shit. I forgot he can see the reason

umm that's weird

Gabriel: well I just came to check up on you, bye


as soon as he left the room and the door shut my heart when back to its normal rate

I was stunned, why was he being so touchy?

I continued my day acting like nothing happened

It was now nighttime, more specifically 10:00pm and I was getting tired but I was determined to finish working. So I changed into my pajama dress and went to the kitchen to get some coffee, when I walked into the kitchen

Gabriel was in grey, silk, soft pajamas.

He looked so dreamy

I basically just stood there a drooled over him

Gabriel then noticed me staring

Gabriel: Are you okay?

tbh, no.

Gabriel: oh

there was silence for a few seconds

Nathalie: Anyways, why were you so touchy earlier today?


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