Takemichi: "Huh?"

Draken was holding Yoshinoya who looked as he was about to drop dead and yet, he was still smiling.

Takemichi: "Yoshinoya-kun!"

Takemichi: 'No... This can't be happening. This is impossible! Draken-kun was supposed to get stabbed! Did the future change? How did Yoshinoya-kun get stabbed?'

Thoughts raced through Takemichi's head as he tries to assess the situation. Takemichi started to cry and Draken was shaking Yoshinoya to keep him awake.

Mikey POV

Mikey: "What's wrong, Takemitchy?!"

Takemichi: "Yoshinoya-kun! Yoshinoya-kun! He's been stabbed!"

Draken: "Don't you dare die on me, dumbass!"

Yoshinoya was still smiling as his eyes dimmed.

Mikey started to fight his way through the crowd of Moebius Members.

Mikey: "Move."

Mikey: "Let me through, jackass!"

A hand grabbed the back of Mikey's collar and threw him.

Mikey: "Hanma!"

Hanma: "Found you... Mikey!"

Mikey attempted to kick Hanma, but he caught his leg and threw him. Mikey caught himself, but received a kick to the face. Hanma got on top of Mikey and punched him in the face, but Mikey kicked him off, Mikey did another kick and Hanma blocked it, but the force sent him a few meters back. Hanma swung his fist and Mikey ducked and proceeded to knee him and uppercut him.

Hanma was smiling at Mikey.

Hanma: "Man, I'm so exhausted."

Takemichi POV

Draken: "Takemichi!"

Takemichi: 'It's over... It's all over. Yoshinoya's dead.'

Draken: "Takemichi!"

Takemichi: "Huh?"

Draken: "He's not dead yet! Help me take him to a hospital!"

Takemichi: "Right!"

Draken picked up Yoshinoya and put him on his back.

Yoshinoya: "No, hospital..."

Draken: "Huh?"

Yoshinoya: "Need... burger..."

Takemichi: 'Even in this situation he still wants to eat?!'

Draken: "Shut up! Yoshinoya! Are you serious right now?! How can you still think about burgers in this situation?!"

Yoshinoya was smiling and attempted to move his hand to punch Draken, but was too weak to do it.

Yoshinoya: "Shaddup... Drake..."

Takemichi: 'How can anyone smile in a situation like this?!'

Draken and Takemichi ran off to find a hospital. Draken kept making sure that Yoshinoya was awake.

Yoshinoya: "God, this hurts a bit... I feel kinda woozy..."

Draken: "Oi! Yoshinoya! Stay with me!"

Takemichi: "He's losing too much blood! We need to hurry fast!"

Tachibana: Takemichi-kun!

Takemichi: "Hina! Emma-chan!"

Tachibana: "We called an ambulance!"

Emma: "How's Yoshinoya?"

Draken: "Don't worry."

Takemichi: "He's alive."

Draken placed Yoshinoya down. He put his head on his lap. He was still smiling even in near death. Yoshinoya looked at us before mumbling to himself.

Yoshinoya: "I guess this sorta things happens to the best of us..."

Draken: "Hey! Don't say things like that, you dumbass!"

Takemichi: 'What's taking so long?"

Draken: "Damn it! Why did it have to be you?!"

Yoshinoya: "Don't worry about that, Draken. I-I'm just glad you're okay... hehe.."

Draken was trying his best to hold back tears.

Takemichi: "Hina, we're supposed to wait for the ambulance here, right?"

Tachibana: "Yeah, but... apparently, it's really crowded because of the festival and rain."

Yoshinoya POV

Suddenly, Kiyomasa's group appeared. Yoshinoya was to keep his eyes open, but everything was going quite quiet for him. Yoshinoya went asleep.

Mini Timeskip

He suddenly woke up. He saw the body of Kiyomasa on top of Takemichi as he was unconscious.

Yoshinoya: 'Michi won a fight? Nice...'

Takemichi and Draken got up to fight the rest, but Yoshinoya felt he could take action just this once.

Draken and Takemichi was about to fight until.


A barrage of punches was released against Kiyomasa's minions.

Yoshinoya: "Wow, you're quite amazing... Takemichi."

Takemichi POV

Takemichi/Draken: "Yoshinoya!/Yoshinoya-kun!"

Takemichi, Draken, Tachibana and Emma as well as Takemichi's friend looked in shock and awe as Yoshinoya was standing.

Yoshinoya then coughed up blood. He looked back at us and gave a genuine smile.

Yoshinoya: "Sorry... I'm dead."

He gave off a genuine smile. The last thing Yoshinoya saw was Takemichi and Draken running towards him and everything went black for him.





















A/N: Hope you enjoyed that chapter. Sorry if I rushed it a bit I just got kinda tired, but y'know. Happens to the best of us. Make sure to have a nice day and enjoy a burger. 🍔

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2022 ⏰

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