Chapter 3

291 7 7

" " = Talking

* * = Actions

' ' = Thoughts


On the last chapter Takemichi has finally met Mikey and Draken as well as our beloved Borgir Man, Yoshinoya! Now that Takemichi has now befriended Mikey he can now begin his mission in order to save his girlfriend. But Takemichi will also need help on his journey, he'll soon receive with his soon to be best friend.


Takemichi POV

Takemichi looks at the burger within his hand and stares at it while he begins to think.

Takemichi: "So he's Toman's boss, Sano Manjiro. And the guy with the burger on his hat, Borgir Man. He seems to love burgers I guess."

Suzuki and Yamagishi start staring at Takemichi in awe.

Yamagishi: "That was awesome, Takemichi!"

Suzuki: "I was totally moved!"

Yamagishi: "Invincible Mikey and Borgir Man totally took a liking to you! He even gave you one of his burgers!"

Suzuki: "That's friggin' awesome, Takemichi!"

Takemichi: 'I guess I wasn't imagining it. Those monsters took a liking to me!'

Takemichi: 'This is even worse hell. He's probably going to overload me with burgers...'

Yoshinoya POV

Yoshinoya: *Nom*

Yoshinoya: *Nom*

Yoshinoya: Hm?

Yoshinoya: "Is someone talking about me? Better be something good!"




Takemichi POV

Takemichi is on his way to Mizo Middle School. Little does he know he's about to get a fun visit from the trio.

Takemichi: "Man, going to school right now is harsh."

???: "Good Morning, Takemichi-kun."

Takemichi: "Hina!"

Tachibana: "Good for you! You're actually heading to school in the morning."

Tachibana: I have cram school after school today.

Takemichi: Y-Yeah?

Tachibana: Let's go on a date before my cram school.

Takemichi: S-Sure... Is that really a "date", though?

Tachibana: Heading to school together is a date, too.

Tachibana: Man... I wish I was in the same class as you, Takemichi-kun.

Takemichi: 'Okay, school is awesome.'


While in class Takemichi is thinking about this discussion between him and Naoto. Suddenly, he hears a ruckus going on and students getting beat up. His classroom door opens and Mikey's head pops out.

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