Chapter 17

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You stayed a few nights at the villagers house. The lady, Mitsuno, gave you some work. In your free time you tried to investigate where you were and how to get back home. It was not an easy task. You learned that the village you were staying in consisted just of a few houses. There were roughly five families living in the area. Because of that you couldn't find a way home, they never heard of your village.

You couldn't just spill out what you do and who your master was. The Demon Slayers kept themselves low and you had to play with it. This way you didn't even want to give the name of your master, always referring to the place you were looking for as your home simply.

Finally, after four days Mitsuno gave you a glimpse of hope.

''Tomorrow Hatsuno will be coming to the village. He is a travelling merchant. Maybe he knows the way.'' She threw your way.

The next day that Hatsuno guy actually came. He was an old man riding a big cart. Early in the morning you saw him selling and buying things in the middle of the village. There were some people around the spot.

''Excuse me.'' You started when you finally got to him, standing in a queue. ''Can I talk to you for a second?''

''You buy anything or not, eh?'' He was harsh.

''No, I have a different thing.''

''Then I'm not interested.'' The man shoved you off, already talking to a different customer.

You didn't let go, standing next to the line all the time. He was that, but didn't tell you anything. After two hours, when everyone was done with their business he turned towards you.

''You stubborn.''

''It's important for me.''

''What do you want?'' Hatsuno was tidying his cart.

''I want to take off with you.''


''I'm looking for a way back home.'' You tried to get on his good side.

''Not interested.''

''Please, I can work it off for you. Just help me get any closer to my home.''

He was grumbling something, sitting back on the cart with a sigh.

''Not interested.'' He said as he made his donkey move.

''Take her!'' Both of you turned your head towards the left.

Mitsuno was coming your way. She waved to the merchant and he actually listened to her.

''Just take her.'' She said once again.

The two of them started to argue. Mitsuno assuring him that you are a hard worker, he darting back, saying that he doesn't need any help and burden. After a while he finally let go and allowed you to get on the cart.

You waved to Mitsuno as the two of you took off. She waved back and wished you luck.


The merchant was not talkative. He was actually very pissed off that you were going with him. You just sat in silence, not wanting to get kicked out in the middle of nowhere. After some time he asked you where you wanted to get to. You gave him the name of your village and he hummed.

''I'm going there.''

Your eyes lit up. Would it really be as simple as that? Would he just take you with him?

''But I have a route I need to take. I go from village to village, I don't change my track.'' He threw your way.

''That's no problem. How long will it take?'' You asked, hope in your voice.

''A month.''

You were taken aback. A month? That's long. Sighing, you nodded your head and agreed to that. You didn't have any other choice. He gave you the details of the way but if you wanted to go by foot you would have to stay alone in the forest for some days. It was too long of a trip to get from one village to the other within one day. If you wanted to try and get to the villages by cart, with some travelling farmers it could take you even more time. You had no guarantee that there would be someone travelling at that time.

Lacking options, you agreed and went on with Hatsuno.


It was actually nearly a month right now. You were kinda dirty, only having the possibility to clean yourself and your clothes once a few days in rivers and lakes that you passed with Hatsuno. Exhaustion has been lingering on you the whole time. You never stayed in one place for longer than a day. Both of you slept in some inns that Hatsuno has been friends with, so at least you had a bed of some kind. Nevertheless, it was exhausting to be moving all the time. Now you really understand why Sanemi came back home from his missions so irritated sometimes.

Thinking about Sanemi you had an uneasy feeling crumbling in the depths of your stomach. You wanted to see him bad, like really bad. It was weird. How could you miss your master so much? You literally just worked for him. Yes, it was fun and all sometimes, but girl, don't get yourself worked up! Or maybe...

You shook your head and laughed silly.

''What are you laughing at girl?'' Hatsuno asked, bored.

''Oh nothing. Just thought about something funny.'' You shook your head.

''We're in the middle of nowhere, riding in that damn sun for the last three hours and you just suddenly think of something funny? I want to laugh as well.'' He shot his finger your way, a grumble visible on his face.

''I just thought about being in love with my master. That's funny, because I'm not, but I feel that way because I miss him very much.'' You told him about your thoughts, it's better not to anger that old man.

''So you feel like you love a guy, but you don't love him?'' He asked in a meddling manner. ''You stupid?''

''Hey, I'm not that stupid!'' You answered.

''Yeah, don't look too smart for me.'' The old fart laughed at you.

''Just drop me at my village and let's never speak anymore.'' You grumbled.

''Fair enough for me! I hate speaking to people in love. I especially hate seeing them together, yuck!'' He shivered at the thought.

''Who are you even!'' You couldn't believe that someone who looked like eighty and acted like five existed.

The two of you argued all the way to your village, the old man telling you that he knows better and you're in love, you telling him that he knows shit.


When you finally got to the front door of the Wind Estate you gulped. Earlier, you even went to a hot spring to get yourself and your clothes clean. When you were far from home you felt like you wanted to teleport back. Now, when you are actually able to come back you chicken out.

It was nearly sunset and you were still not inside the Estate. Why was it so hard? You were gone for a bit over a month, not for ten years! Still, what if Sanemi has a new Butterfly Girl and you will be greeted by her? He would send you back to Shinobu and it would be so embarassing! Or maybe he will just kill you with his own hands because of what you did? Maybe you will be back to square one with how he treats you?

Oh no, you were the one that told him that thinkin about what might be won't change anything!

With that you stepped in cautiously. 

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