Chapter 1

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That was outrageous! You just got information about the whole division process from Shinobu. You could pick your own Pillar! Well... at least you could try to get to the Pillar you chose. Every Butterfly Girl got a small piece of paper where she was about to write three Pillar names, beginning with the one they most wanted to work for.

Most of your friends, including Miki, sweated over Rengoku. You liked the guy, but you didn't know him well. Heck, you also knew about his father living in his Estate. No matter how hot Rengoku was, he was not hot enough for you to deal with an old grump.

I think I will choose Mitsuri.

You thought to yourself as you've written her name in the first place. Now that you thought about it... you didn't know any Pillar except for Shinobu. You've heard about them, but that's pretty much all.

''Who do you guys write down, aside from Rengoku?'' You asked all your friends.

''I've heard that Giyuu is not much of a problem.'' One of the Butterfly Girls answered your question.

Yeah, you also heard about him. Might as well write him down in the second place. Now you only have to find the third one. You started to ask a bit around. It turned out that most of the Pillars had a bunch of votes from everyone. There was nearly no one who was left unpicked. There was only one exception.

''Who is that Shinazugawa?'' You asked Miki.

''Oh no girl, don't pick that. He will eat you alive.'' Your best friend warned you.

Asking the rest of the girls you noticed that none of them wrote that guy down. You felt kinda down about it. Shinobu told you that with this voting they also wanted to test the popularity of the Pillars within bystanders. They definitely had some kind of a contest. You felt really bad about the fact that this Shinazugawa guy had zero votes. You wrote him down in the last place. It's not like you will land him, right? You had two other propositions and Shinobu really liked you so she wouldn't give you away to any meany. Right?


All the skilled Butterfly Girls were standing in a row in front of the Pillars. The Demon Slayers looked rather relaxed, in contrast to their new pupils. You didn't feel a lot of stress, you were also relaxed. You knew no matter what you would get a good Pillar. Because all of them were good!

''Welcome everyone, we may get straight to the point.'' Shinobu found herself a place in the middle of the both sides, Aoi was helping her, holding a chart that only they could see. ''I'm happy to say that every one of the Pillars got at least one vote!''

There was a murmur of satisfaction hearable from the Demon Slayers.

''I would also like to congratulate Rengoku for being the most popular Pillar, nearly every vote has your name on it. You are lucky I didn't take part in the voting.'' The bug Pillar was sharp as always. ''As this was a contest I will read the names of my Butterfly Girls and the Pillars in the order from the most votes to the least votes. Please remember that if there was more than one vote for a certain Pillar there was a draw deciding who will get the job so don't whine that someone was favourised!'' With that she started.

''Our winner Rengoku, welcome your new Butterfly Girl Miki, treat her well.'' You could swear that you heard Miki scream internally.

Your friend hopped to Rengoku's side and waved to you. If you weren't standing in the row you would wave back, for now you had to focus and listen to your name. Next was of course Mitsuri. You also didn't get her. Giyuu got third place which shocked the other Pillars. The girl that got him looked like her eyes were about to pop out from looking at him so everybody quickly got what was going on. You swore you heard someone say 'that handsome bastard'.

Time went by and there were less and less Pillars yet, you were still standing in the row. Finally there was only one girl left next to you and her name was called out first. You sweatdropped.

''Last but not least, with one vote, Shinazugawa, welcome your new Butterfly Girl Y/N, treat her well.'' Instantly, you felt someone's eyes dart your way.

Wait... it was everyone's eyes, but one of them especially drilled holes in you.

One vote? It's like... the Pillar had to get only my vote. It looks like I did it on purpose. I barely remember the third name. I just know I wanted to get a job for Mitsuri.

You looked up at your Pillar, already standing in front of you. It was a man with white hair and a lot of scars. He looked like he wanted to kill you.

''Hello... master?'' 

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