Chapter 11

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''I'm happy to hear that Y/N works well.'' Shinobu gave Sanemi a faint smile as their meeting was coming to an end.

''She is such a sweet girl!'' Mitsuri was also present, aside from Rengoku.

The Flame Pillar suggested eating something, but Sanemi denied.

''Y/N is cooking for me, she says that eating at stalls too much doesn't match my nutritional needs.'' The Wind Pillar explained.

''You sound like an old couple.'' Mitsuri pouted her lips in awae.

''Shut up! It's not like that.''

''Sure.'' Shinobu sighed.

''So maybe we can come and eat with you?'' Rengoku gave his friend a big, toothy grin.

''Ah fuck.''


When they all came to the Wind Pillar's Estate it was surprisingly quiet inside. Usually at this time one could hear Y/N's banging in the kitchen. Sanemi called up his Butterfly Girl, but she was nowhere to be found.

''I told her to wait here, stupid dumpster.'' Shinazugawa grumbled. ''She wanted to meet you guys, but I didn't want her outside of the house at night.''

''That's fair.'' The Insect Pillar wondered.

''You think she went to look for us?'' Mitsuri asked.

''I think she is stupid enough to do something like that.'' Sanemi sighed.

''Next time let her see the great Rengoku and everything will be fine.'' The blonde stated and gained three weird looks.

Suddenly, the four of them heard a crow. The bird flew through the window and landed on Sanemi's shoulder. The male unwrapped the note, read it and cursed. The Pillars quickly made their way north of the Estate.


Wandering through the village's tiny streets, you tried to locate the source of the sound. The crying was still hearable. You had some wisteria flowers that you quickly grabbed while running through your garden and a chopper. Yes, there was no shitting around with you. You were no swordsman, but you knew how to deal with a chicken, so might as well take the tool with you. (To all the veggy out there, I do not insist reader eats meat, she can just deal with it)

Finally, you found the crying. You thought you were going to burst. It was a cat. If Sanemi comes here and finds you with that cat, thinking that you are dealing with a demon he will kill you. Might as well go look for a demon because your life ends here.

''I've lured you out at last.'' You heard an unknown voice from behind.

Everything turned orange. Something weird surrounded you. It was like you were closed under a dome. There was a man with short, black hair standing in front of you.

''You what?'' Your eyes traced the male from top to bottom.

''I've been watching you from afar. That Pillar always so close.'' He stepped closer, making you walk back.

The two of you moved like that until you felt a pressure on your back. It was the dome not allowing you to pass any further.

''Who are you?'' You asked in a harsh manner.

''Your silent admirer.'' The man licked his lips in a disgusting way.

''What the heck do you mean!'' You shouted.

''You are my picked prey. I have watched you, sought a gap in the protection that your master has been giving you. I know a lot about you Y/N. Now please, quench my thirst.''

That was a demon, no other way. He was acting out of his mind and you were disgusted by the things he has been saying.

Your first meeting with a real demon. You thought you would be more scared, like terrified to the verge of tears. Strangely, you were still thinking straight, analysing the situation. He didn't give off a deadly aura. Yes, he was unsettling at least, but you did not fear him panicaly. That way your last lifeboat, thinking straight. You just have to stall until Sanemi comes.

Luckily, the moment came. You saw the four Pillars running your way. The demon traced after your look and cursed. Shinazugawa was the first to strike the weird dome and... nothing happened. His sword bounced back, making him stumble.

The demon snickered. He moved his hand and the whole orange dome also shifted, abnging into the Pillars. Because of the motion you fell to your knees, quickly getting up. You were right in the middle with the demon standing between you and your beloved masters.

The demon grabbed you, his hold firm, but surprisingly not as tight as you thought. Looking at him, you learned that his form was very thin and kinda small.

''I know!'' He shouted right to your face. ''I know I'm weak... physically weak. I'm not strong, nor fast. I'm a weakling upon demons... but my shield. It's unbreakable, even for a Pillar.'' he snickered once more, still holding you by your collar.

Giving Sanemi a look, the demon smiled.

''You made my life in this village miserable. Now I will repay you by eating my precious Y/N right in front of your eyes Wind Pillar.''

All of them were shouting something, but you couldn't hear anything because of the demon's shield. They striked the weird orange surface time and time again, but nothing happened. Has this demon really devoted all his energy to that dome?

That was your chance. Upon seeing Sanemi your morales grew even bigger. You had your chopper in mind, but it must be used at the right moment. You had to have the advantage of the surprise attack.

''No please don't eat me!'' You shouted theatrically.

You wiggled your hands and ripped the tape holding your hanten together. It fell to the side leaving your form in shorts and the cleavage tapes. The demon smirked, seeing your skin, while Sanemi banged on the shield even harder. The demon's victory was short because your cloth was full of wisteria that fell out with it.

The black haired man sniffed the flowery smell and started to gauge. His grasp on your collar weakened and the two of you fell backwards. He was now on his four, on top of you.

''Leave her you dipshit!'' Shinazugawa yelled looking at the scene, feeling totally out of control.

Just as your plan assumed, you used the moment when the demon was under wisteria's effect and took out of the bandages on your back the chopper. Giving it your full force you swinged at the demon's neck.

Of course the attack was too weak to decapitate him, but it was strong enough to leave the metal tool buried in the demon's neck. He fell to his side, the shield started to flicker.

Not wasting the opportunity, Sanemi crushed the dome, ran to the demon and cut his head off with his nichiri blade. The whole thing was over.

''Master Sanemi!'' You cheered, very happy to see him, very happy for his help.

''Don't you even dare say a word.'' The white haired male growled.

He was surrounded in a dark aura, his eyes invisible. Your master came your way, bent over and picked you up in a rough manner. He swung you over his shoulder and started to make his way home.

Rest of the Pillars looked at you helplessly bounding in Sanemi's grasp. You stretched a hand out to Rengoku, your eyes begging for help. He only waved your way. Fortunately for you the blonde remembered about the food he was going to eat at the Wind Pillar's estate so all of them traced after the angry Sanemi tossing you around like a bag of potatoes. 

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