"Why the fuck not?" Luke asked. "Because I, apparently, don't last long enough for that tight body of yours?"

Aidan's eyelids fluttered shut. He was becoming uncomfortable. He held one hand over his stomach, flexing his fingers. He was trying to keep himself calm. The others had moved over to kneel down close. Andrew's hands hadn't left Aidan's cheeks, rubbing in small circles with his thumbs. My own hand massaged his lower back. Our connection seemingly relaxed him.

"Because nine people, including myself, would have made sure you would have stopped breathing," Aidan answered. "Not a threat, just a fact."

"Little Aidan took on eight people?" Luke asked.

"What I did with people is none of your concern," Aidan replied. "You seem so focused on people using my tight body and holes. Why's that? Do you miss me?"

"I think you're crazy for letting people use you at all after what we put you through," Luke chuckled. "But I guess that's all you're good for."

"Gabe heavily disagrees with you," Aidan shook his head, sighing. "And everyone here has made me feel good all day, made me feel accepted and cared for. They haven't used me in any way that you think at least. It's you who thinks I'm only a whore who needs to be fixed and I won't let you get away with it. If you call Jesse one more time, I will make your life a living hell."

"My life is already a living hell, you should have been dead," Luke whispered angrily.

"Yet God or life, or something, had other ideas, clearly," Aidan laughed. "And now I'm loved and cared for and have felt more alive than I ever thought possible."

"It won't fucking last," Luke threatened.

"I think you're at your last straw," Aidan said, his hand moving from his stomach to my thigh, looking at me lovingly. "I have people who love me, and you can't fucking stand that. You ruined your life when you decided to hurt me and you can't stand that I'm not just alive, but I'm actively living my life rather than hiding away until the day I actually die. You can't fucking stand the fact that you have to rot away in a jail cell while I'm out here enjoying myself, enjoying the company of others, and I don't fear for my damn life. Enjoy rotting, you pathetic, transphobic piece of shit."

Aidan hung up the phone and held it out to Jesse. He took it from Aidan silently, his eyes wide with shock. I think it was a similar feeling all around. People looked between each other and then back at Aidan as he sighed.

"Forty?" he looked up at me.

"After all that, that's what you're choosing to focus on?" I asked, groaning in annoyance. "Really?"

"You never told him your age," Lewis chuckled. "Not even a ballpark or something?"

"Hey, come on," I argued. "To be fair... We're all older than him."

Andrew raised an eyebrow, "I know he looks young... but I didn't think he was that much younger."

"I'm twenty-six," Aidan said as he stood up, pulling off the strap before offering his hand to Andrew.

Andrew sat there dumbfounded for a moment. "A twenty-six-year-old Sub just fucking railed me and humiliated me like a damn fucking professional. What in the actual fuck? Gabe, really? You allowed me to..."

Michael and Clara stifled laughter. Adri was bursting out with her own giggles. Jason covered his mouth, though he looked amused. Lewis was leaning over, holding his stomach as he laughed quietly, already knowing that Andrew was going to be pissed at the added humiliation.

"I'm sorry, did you not enjoy it or are you just... like, more humiliated by the facts?" Aidan asked. "Take my damn hand and let me help you to the shower."

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