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"Go away mother"Mal says annoyed making Maleficent laugh"She's funny

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"Go away mother"Mal says annoyed making Maleficent laugh"She's funny.Your funny...here"Maleficent snorts

"Wand me,chop,chop"Maleficent orders holding her hand out for the wand"No"Ben shouts before Mal throws the wand to Fairy godmother who catches it and starts flipping it"Bibbidi Bobiddi-"She's cut off by Maleficent mocking her"Boo" she says as everyone but the four Vk's freeze,or so she thinks

Maleficent walks over to Adam taking his glasses off"ooh,in another time,another time"She mumbles before putting his glasses back on before walking to fairy godmother and taking the wand right out of her hand

Jay seemed to be the only one that noticed Andrea wondering what happened to everyone.He put a finger up to his mouth telling her to be quiet before mouthing "Stay still"

Maleficent sticks the wand up fairy godmothers nose"oh,oh no.Someone needs to pluck their nose hairs" before turning to the teens"Now,Where should we begin?" She says before getting in front of Fairy godmother

"I know.Why don't we start by getting rid of this"Maleficent says pointing the wand at Mal,taking Ben's ring off her finger,the ring sliding onto the wand

"Perfect fit!"

Maleficent walks over to Ben and makes his crown crooked"Falling in love is weak and ridiculous.It's not what you want"She states

"You don't know what I want!Mom,have you ever once asked me what I want?I'm not you"Mal cried out

"Well,obviously"Maleficent scoffed"I've had years and years and years and years of practice being evil,you'll get there"

"No I will not.And I really wish that you had or ridiculous.never gotten there yourself.Love is not weak or ridiculous.It's actually really amazing"Mal sobbed only making her mother more angry

"I know one thing,young lady.You have no room for love in your life!"Shouted Maleficent "Then now,I command wand to my hand"Mal orders,The wand flying out of Maleficent's hand and into Mal's"It worked"Mal says in excitement

"I hardly think so.Frankly,this is tedious and very immature.Give me the wand,give me wand!"Maleficent shouts in anger

"Hold on,Mal.Maybe good really is more powerful than evil"Carlos wonders "Oh,please,your killing me"Maleficent laughs before barking thinking it would scare Carlos but instead attracting Dude who jumps on her

"Oh,breath.breath,get off me"Maleficent pushes the dog off as Jay tries to trap the now glowing green scepter

Maleficent touches Jay's arm"Gaston should be jealous"She says before flicking Jay's head making him fall back

"Enough!You all will regret this!"Maleficent says disappearing in green smoke,a dragon coming out of it making everyone gasp

The dragon breathes fire towards Jay making him Fall back before going behind a pillar

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