2.Mermaids and Fairygodmothers

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"5,6...5,6,7,go"Audrey announced at cheer practice.Andrea loves cheer,it's the captain and the non stop stretches that she has a problem with

Besides,she was too busy watching tourney practice.That was much more interesting then listening to Audrey's voice

Sadly,Andrea's peace didn't last long when Audrey called out her name"What?"She replies

"Are you even listening?I said that if you guys screw this-"Audrey's cut off by Andrea finishing for her"Cheer up then your off the team.I know, Audrey,you say it every game"

"Whatever"Audrey mumbles before she and Andrea hear cheers for Jay making them both turn their attention to the tourney field

Andrea watches in amusement as Jay knocks everyone over,dodging every ball that comes his way.Jay makes his way to Carlos who throws his stick and falls to the ground using the shield to keep himself safe as Jay uses the shield as a stepping stool and bounces off of it

As Jay makes his was to the goal,Ben comes but gets knocked down as fast as he came while Jay uses the stick to bounce the ball into the air before making it to the goal making all the girls cheer for him except Audrey

Audrey's just looking at the girls with disbelief and at Jay with a frown.Andrea couldn't tell if it was for her girls focusing more on tourney practice instead of cheer or if because Jay had knocked her 'Bennyboo' down or if there were
some other reason Audrey was frustrated

Jay knocks down the goalie and throws his stick and helmet to the ground before break dancing making making Andrea laugh at how happy he is before Audrey just had to ruin the moment by telling all the girls "Maybe you all should start playing tourney if your so interested.Maybe then That villain kid will knock some sense into you"

"Like he did to Ben"Andrea says,not meaning it but only saying it to taunt Audrey.And luckily,it had worked.Audrey cancels cheer practice and says she hopes they don't embarrass her on game day

Audrey cancels cheer practice and says she hopes they don't embarrass her on game day

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"That girl,Evie,she's like super smart.She solved a problem in 30 seconds that I won't be able to solve in my life.I don't even remember the question,which is why I'm going to ask her to tutor me"Andrea's sister,Melody said as she,Andrea,and Tabitha walked to a table in the shade to save the seats

"If you needed help with chemistry,Scratch that,if you wanted help with chemistry,you would have come to me.Something tells me you have a little crush on the new girl"Tabitha says in a singing voice as Melody's cheeks grew red

"Aw,does my older sister have a crush"Andrea smiles as They all set their purses and begin to walk to the lunch line when Andrea sees Jay at a table,surrounded by girls talking looking uninterested in all

I should probably go save him...No!He stole your bracelet...that's just another reason to help him,so I can get my bracelet back

Andrea turns to Tabitha and Melody"Get my lunch,I'll be back"She says making them nod before Andrea leaves

She asks the girl next to Jay could she sit there and she said no,so Andrea grabbed Jays arm and pulled him behind a tree where all the girls wouldn't see them

"Told you,you'd talk to me first"Jay says cockily making Andrea roll her eyes before holding her hand out for her bracelet

Jay pulls out her bracelet from one of his pockets and holds it up knowing she can't reach it,Still she tries"Jay,give me my bracelet"She says hating how short she is

"Go on a date with me"Jay says making Andrea stop reaching for the bracelet and look at him in shock"What?"She asks

"I'll give you the bracelet if you go on a date  with me after the game.You can even choose where "Jay says putting his hands behind his back

"Fine,But I do need that bracelet-"She's cut off by Jay"Already wearing it" she looks to her wrist to see the lavender bracelet

She sighs before saying"My dorm,5 o'clock, tomorrow.Don't be late"And leaving to her table

Tabitha and Melody dragged Andrea to a dorm that she Saw was Mal and Evie's,after She had told them Jay had asked her out.They both squealed like children and said they knew it

As Mal sat on her bed sketching something,Evie was seeing Andrea's size in everything after insisting that she made her dress for the date while Tabitha sat on the floor on the foot if Mal's bed doing homework,and Jane,Fairy godmothers daughter stood pacing around the room talking

"Then my mom said 'if a boy can't see your beauty within then he's not worth it' Can you believe it?What world does she Live in?"Jane complains

"Auradon"Mal simply answers in sync as Andrea says"A world with Mermaids and fairy god mothers"

"I'll never get a boyfriend"Jane sighed hopelessly "Boyfriend's are overrated"Mal says"And how would you know,Mal?You've never had one"Evie points out

"That's cause I Don't need one,E.Their a waste of time"Mal comments

Just After Evie measures Andrea's waist,She gasps"I forgot to do Chads homework"she runs to  the backpack across the room

"He has you doing his homework?"Tabitha asks with a look that says 'explain please'

Evie shrugs unzipping the bag"He has a lot of stuff on his mind so I offered to do it for him"

"You offered or he made you feel like you offered when really he guilted you into it"Andrea asks knowing Chad all to well from being lab partners with him once

"And that is exactly what I mean"Mal mutters before they hear a knock on the door before Lonnie,Daughter of Mulan walks in and Andrea zones out

After Evie was done with her dress,Andrea and Tabitha went into town with Melony to get a pet.They strolled into a pet store and went straight to the fish aisle

"How about a shark and 2 fish"Melony asks "Don't sharks eat fish?"Tabitha asks making Melody and Andrea explain how it depends on what temperature the tank is on knowing she'll just forget it all

After Explaining everything,they got a tank with a bunch of small rocks and a small cave,and a shark with two fish,Just like Melony said

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