A frown furrowed Animo's forehead. "But professor, why do you hold them?"

The man's expression grew a tad more solemn as he leaned on the tapestry behind him. The woven threads crumpled together under his touch. "Why does anyone? To fill the lonely void, I suppose." Suddenly, a red-haired Hufflepuff passed between them, nearly tripping over Animo's foot. "Ah! Miss Abbott!"

Animo watched as Slughorn turned away, eager to discuss his latest discovery. At least this girl seemed as though she would treat him respectfully, a wide smile breaking her face as Slughorn began to describe some sort of new plant sap.

Turning away, Animo began to wonder whether she should just return to her dormitory. There was nothing more painful than being in a room full of people that didn't give you a second glance.

She caught the lustful gaze of a Gryffindor sixth year and quickly turned away, pulling the hem of her dress down once more. Or perhaps too many glances.

Heading towards the door, Animo slid past a group of giggling girls, who immediately began to whisper as she darted through. Freedom was a meter in sight and Animo felt herself relax as she approached the exit, aching to be rid of the stifling heat.

"Hold on now, An," Lyall stuck out an arm, a think barrier to her escape. Animo narrowly resisted the urge to shove past the Gryffindor and glanced up with a pleading expression. "I don't think so," whatever charm Lyall had used to slick his hair had worn off, letting his amber strands fall natural about his ears. "You don't come looking like that," he flickered a gaze towards her dress, "and leave early."

The murmur of the students was growing louder behind her and Animo knew her narrow route of exit was rapidly closing. Soon, there would be too many to squeeze past. Crossing her arms over her chest, Animo pressed her lips together. "And what exactly should I do? Stand on the table and strike a pose?"

"I wouldn't mind—Ow!" Lyall ducked as Animo aimed another slap at his shoulder, her nails extended. "Bloody hell, Wallis." Keeping his arm raised for protection, the Gryffindor raised a challenging brow, "we never got a proper dance at the Halloween Ball."

At his words, the band slowed to a stately march, the brassy sounds nearly mournful in the decorated drawing room. Animo cringed at the minor keys. "I don't fancy dancing to this. Besides," she tapped her toes, "I've never danced in front of others before. The Halloween swaying does NOT count," Animo added, quickly interceding Lyall's interjection.

A Cheshire grin spread across the Gryffindor's face as he pulled the lapels of his satin suit tighter. "Oh, Annie, that's not what I had in mind." He turned away, disappearing into the crowd and leaving Animo standing rather awkwardly by herself.

Adjusting her stance, Animo began to wonder if she might as well run for it. Whenever Lyall got that gleam in his eye, it was a signal to find the best cover one could. Then, the beat of the band completely changed into a lively two-step, the tuba bouncing low notes that resounded off the walls, shaking the emerald tapestries.

A tap on her shoulder startled Animo from her thoughts and she spun around to see Lyall with his hand outstretched, a quirk to his left lip.

"Join me?"

Staring at his callused hand, Animo briefly considered her options. However, there was a time not so long ago that she promised herself that she would be free someday. And then, she would jump at every adventure. Going against her nature, Animo placed her hand warily in Lyall's grasp. "And what exactly will we be doing?"

Lyall pulled her towards the center of the tiled floor, which most of the students were deliberately avoiding. "Bringing down the castle."

At the first beat, Lyall swung Animo out, letting the skirt of her dress flair slightly into an emerald ripple before retrieving her back into his side and placing his right hand on her waist. Animo shivered slightly at the touch, all to aware of how close their bodies were. The murmurs beside them began to die as more partiers started to pay attention to the odd pairing.

Of Monsters and Men- Tom Riddle x OCWhere stories live. Discover now