Everybody Wants To Be My Enemy

Start from the beginning

"You traitor, you think you can keep them safe forever? Well, think twice, you should have been dead long ago, but here you are, standing for the liberty of those murderers"

~Calm down Ashley, he's dead...he won't ever hurt the Bots or you again...Cemetery Wind is gone, dead...destroyed...~

I ran a few fingers down my now scarred arm. I had taken a shower and put pajamas on to try and sleep, but the injuries of the Dinobots, and those words remained on my head, so sleeping was nearly impossible.

Tess and Shane had left an hour ago. We drove them to the airport and said our goodbyes before heading back, going our separate ways once we arrived. I was lying down on the bed looking at my arm, wondering and theorizing who it could've been. Galvatron seemed like the best bet, but then, why would he let them go? To send a message? But what if no one found them? It would've been useless and risky, and Galvatron never took risks.

Again humans crossed my mind, but they didn't have such advanced technology, did they?

Was...was it possible?

No...the American government wouldn't dare to cross Japanese territory without permission, but what if they came to an agreement? Or worse, they agreed to something but were working behind their backs.

Rex suddenly barked and jumped into the bed, startling me momentarily. I chuckled as the puppy wagged his tail and licked my face. I sighed and picked him up, sitting down and holding the puppy to my face.

"What do you think Rex? You think the mean evil humans are involved?" I asked.


I sighed.

"Well...maybe I should get my mind off all the shit...come on, let's play fetch," I said, placing him on the ground.

I quickly changed into a pair of sneakers, some jeans, and a red shirt before walking out. I yawned tiredly, I know I should try to get some sleep, but with a possible threat looming over our heads, I'd rather tire myself some more before attempting to.

I sat down in the artificial grass behind the house, grabbing a squeaky ball I had bought Rex on my way out. The puppy barked and ran around me before I threw the ball, consequently going after it to retrieve it. I smiled as he came back with it, placing it next to my feet. I grabbed it and threw it away again, repeating the process over and over again every time he came back with it.

Razor soon walked over and stood beside me, gurgling as he watched Rex retrieve the ball and place it near my feet. I threw it again and smiled at Razor.

"Hey boy, what have you been up to?" I said as I patted his side.

He chirped in response; his eyes fixed on Rex as he came back again with the ball in his mouth. The Raptor huffed and tilted his head, letting out another chirp before walking away. I watched him leave with a puzzled look before going back to our game with Rex.

Fifteen minutes later, he came back and dropped a wrench on his mouth.

"Did you steal that from Cade?" I questioned as he placed it next to the ball near my feet. He simply gurgled and nudged it closer to me. "Alright, I won't ask any further..." I said, grabbing the wrench and throwing as far as possible, doing the same with the ball.

Rory joined soon enough and fought for the ball with Rex, which was quite a cute sight. thankfully he knew how to measure his own strength.

After a few hours of fetching and fighting, we decided to stop to eat and rest some. Rory snuggled on the couch with Rex after eating half of their bowl of food. Razor by his part went to the garage to rest on his nest. As for me, I made some fish tacos and ate them in the dining room all by myself, answering a few messages from Cade and assuring him I was ok.

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