The sun shone down on us as we finished the race on a clearing in the middle of the forest far away from the base. I took off my helmet, wiping off the sweat and panting with a smirk directed towards Side. He had won this time, but just for a few seconds. Next time I'd get him.

"I let you win, is all I'm saying," I lied as I leaned against my motorcycle, catching my breath as Razor explored and Side remained as a car.

"Liar," he hummed. Even in his car form I could imagine him smirking, "I beat you this time!"

"Don't let it get on your head and I might as well admit it," I said with a shrug.

"Hmph, as you wish," He said, soon going quiet.

"Alright, well...I think we should go back, don't want the others to worry," I said calmly as I put my helmet on and mounted the motorcycle.

"Hey! You're meant to- ASHLEY!" Side called as I rolled away on my motorcycle.

"Razor come on!" I called, ignoring Side on purpose.

Razor was hidden not too far away, perking his head up and gurgling before following after Side, who kept calling after me and demanding I recognized his win.

Unbeknownst to us, Razor had found a large dinosaur footprint not too far from where we had stopped.

Accompanied by drops of green Energon splattered on the dirt.


We arrived back and split up after Side finally managed to convince me to say that he had won fair and square without my intervention.

I headed with Razor to the hangar where we had spotted Cade yesterday, and luckily for us there he was, still working on his jeep.

"Hey Yeager, how's the jeep treating ya?" I asked as I put the Motor-backpack on a corner and settled down on a table near where he was.

"I need to fix the breaks, an oil leak and make sure that three of the tires don't roll away while driving," He sighed from under the car, "in other words, there's lots of work ahead of us, but I'm sure this beauty will work one day"

"One day in the foreseeable future, or one day as in never?"

Silence reigned for several moments before we both began chuckling and laughing for a good time. I only stopped until my stomach began to hurt. Razor, who had accompanied me in, looked concerned, or at least he looked so to me. It's hard to read a dinosaur's facial and body expressions.

"Moving -*giggle*- on, do you need help?" I asked after we both had calmed down entirely.

"I'm not sure..." he hummed, "but I guess an extra pair of hands has never hurt anyone, come here"

I smiled and took off my motorcycle outfit, so I just had the leggings and shirt on. I tossed the suit next to the backpack and walked over to the jeep. I'll admit it, it was a quite gorgeous sight, but for now I'd stick to my motorcycle.

I leaned down and Cade gave me instructions on what needed to be fixed and anything that shouldn't be touched. I told him I knew the basics and he did seem to relax more, that's when I realized how much this project meant to him. I also realized that from what I had heard from Tess, his inventions normally didn't work, so it was only natural for him to want this to actually work.

"Hey, Cade?" I called as I worked on the tires.

"Hmm?" He hummed as he worked on the oil leak.

"This will work, you'll see, this beauty just needs some love," I said, patting the tire.

Transformers Age of Extinction: BluebeamWhere stories live. Discover now