Solkov and Zahra wore a military uniform consisting of a tunic and pants. Solkov and Zahra stared at Dr. Quanyin, unaware of her visitor. Quanyin did not hear the two enter the lab as music fused with Arabic, hip-hop, and Chinese music was playing from her OLED tablet. Solkov cleared his throat to get Joilee's attention.


Dr. Quanyin jumped, causing her to drop the testing tube. Zahra chuckled. Dr. Quanyin stared at Zahra for a quick second before turning her attention to Solkov.

"I am sorry to scare you, my dear," Solkov replied.

"Solkov, what are you doing here?"

"I am here for a special operation."

"What operation?"

"That is classified. Anyway, we should talk about ourselves. Since I am here, maybe we can get married."

"Getting married on an alien planet. That sounds romantic."

Hearing those words, Zahra rolled her eyes with sarcasm.

"Perhaps. What are you doing," Solkov asked.

"Doing some blood work on a patient."

"You mean Joilee?"

"Yeah, how do you know?"

"I heard she tried to kill you."

"If Joilee wanted to kill me, I would be dead."

"Doesn't matter. I'll make Joilee pay for putting her traitorous hands on you."

"That is not necessary, LT. Joilee attacked me because she was scared."

"Doesn't matter. Anyway, I have a scheduled briefing with General Talbot in 20 minutes. We'll talk."

"Yeah!" Quanyin replied in an unenthused manner.

As Solkov leaves, Zahra gives Quanyin a devilish smile before following behind her commanding officer.


After spending hours prepping test tubes, Dr. Quanyin finally makes it back to her small quarters, with enough accommodations for one person. Dr. Quanyin takes off her clothes and takes a shower under a three-minute time limit. Clean water is rationed according to each military staff. However, the water treatment system recycled filtered clean water. UV lights are installed inside every quarter to kill microbial germs; to aid in hygiene and sanitation.

After Joilee finished her shower, she wore her light military evening gown. Dr. Quanyin grabbed her OLED tablet to go over the data from the blood analysis; when her doorbell chimed with a light bong sound. Dr. Quanyin opened the door. To her surprise, it was Zahra."

"Captain Ayad?"

"May I come in."

Dr. Quanyin stepped aside, allowing Zahra to enter. Quanyin peeked outside the door, ensuring no one saw Zahra enter her quarters.

"What is it I owe you for a visit?"

"Quanyin, act like you don't know."

"You damn right, I don't know," Quanyin smiled before rushing Zahra and planting a passionate kiss on her lips. Zahra lustfully grabbed Quanyins ass. Quanyin pulled away.

"You can't just show up at my quarters. We have cameras on this base, you know."

"Don't worry. I took care of the surveillance. I hacked into the recording servers and put the cameras on a loop feed."

"You did that a lot back at home. You haven't changed a bit. You have to stop that. If you get caught, you will get court-martialed."

"Enough talk," Zahra replied as she removed her clothes, revealing her B cups and navy-blue panties. Quanyin followed Zahra's action and did the same, but she stripped down to her birthday suit.

They both continued to kiss as they descended onto the bed. The couple spent hours having passionate sex. Quanyin and Zahra lay in a spooning position in the early morning hours.

"Goddamn Quanyin, I sure missed you."

"Likewise. Why didn't you tell me that you were coming."

"Chatting with you on a monitor is not a good idea. You know that."

"Right, you are always too careful."

"Unlike you. I told you to be careful out there. Hearin that you almost got killed had got me worried."

"It is all part of the risk for the mission."

"Well, I am here now! I will protect you."

"Not for long. Solkov wants to marry me soon."

Zahra scoffed in ridicule.

"Come on, don't be that way. We both know that our relationship will end someday."

"I know!"

"Look on the bright side. There are a lot of eligible men in the military of your choosing. There is a male soldier on base. His name is Mason."

"You mean Joilee's brother. Not a good idea."


"It is a conflict of interest. Joilee is a hostile of the government."

"We are a conflict of interest, and here you are in my bed. If we get caught...."

"We won't," Zahra stated.

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Jul 18, 2022 ⏰

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