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"Good day Dr. Joilee. I am Dr. Yelena Jackson. I am your therapist. I will be performing your psychological evaluation."

"Great, you hear to report how crazy I am."

"The word crazy is a derogatory term. However, a person like yourself who has been alienated from humanity for the time you have experienced is concerning. The council wants to make sure that you are fit to return to duty."

"Fit for duty? Who said I was returning to the E.G.C.," Joilee bolstered.

"I understand that you are apprehensive of the idea, so we'll just focus on you for now."

"Wait, did you say your last name was James?

Dr. Yelena took a seat next to Joilee's bedside; however, Joilee did not like the close proximity. Joilee got up from the bed, moved across the room, and leaned against the wall. Dr. Yelena took notice of her mistrust and made a mental note.

"So Jackson is your last name? So is that a coincidence or are you and Orlando are...."

"Yes, married. For 35 years now. We have three beautiful children who serve the government proudly."

Joilee laughs.

"I guess you are aware of Orlando and I's past."

"Oh yes. Orlando was heartbroken when he thought you were dead."

"I am quite sure. So don't you think this is a conflict of interest that you are my therapist?"

"No! My feelings are in check and invalid when it comes to serving the E.G.C. But enough about Orlando and I, let's talk about you," Dr. Yelena replied as she folded her legs and gave Joilee her attention."

"Fine, I'll talk, but you won't get much out of me."

"Well, just tell me how you feel!"

"I feel like leaving this place. This place is so boring."

"You have not taken advantage of the history logs or the current recording from our solar system?"

"Yeah, I was finished with those logs in a few days!"

"A few days? It would have taken weeks to read through all of the history logs. Did you pick this cognitive ability here?"

"I was always a fast reader."

"Yes, but no regular human can read that fast. Could it be some new abilities you gained on this planet?"

"Why do you expect that I gain some new abilities?"

"Well, for one, your ability to cheat death. You were killed by our soldiers and were pronounced dead. Now here you are, alive and well. Was this resurrection ability due to jeweled implants?"

"If I knew, I could not tell you."

"I read your autopsy report. A body imaging scan was done while you were in a state of demise. The jewels embedded in your body have somewhat interwoven into your nervous system; they appear sentient and contain D.N.A. that is not yours."

Joilee looked at Dr. Yelena with confusion.


"What are they, Joilee?"

"They are called Chakruns. They were gifted to me amongst the natives on the planet. What else have you learned in front of the reports?

"I dunno, but the medical scientist would like to take samples of the jewels from you...."

SIERRA ALPHA PRIME: KNOCKING ON FORBIDDEN DOORS (BOOK 2)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum