Chapter 13: 'Garden'

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"(Y/N)! Are you alright?!" shouts Lux

The smoke clears, as (Y/N) and Noct are seen behind Krulcifer and her Drag-ride's shield.

"An absolute shield capable of even blocking my 'Devil's Glow'...That's Fafnir's other Special Armament, 'Dragonscale Shield'. Your Divine Dress allows you to predict the dangers of the future, and from there you plan counters accordingly. That level of mobility and beautiful," whispers Balzeride to himself. "On the other hand, you've disappointed me former first knight. To think you'll have so much trouble with a single Abyss. The results of tomorrow's duel are already plain as day."

Balzeride rides closer, stopping next to Krulcifer, before shouting towards (Y/N). "How about it? Shall we compete to see which one of us can defeat this Abyss first? If you somehow manage to pull it off...I'll give up my engagement with Krulcifer."

(Y/N) breathes heavily, his eyes plead to close, and his throat dries up. But before he is able to answer, Lisha warns Balzeride. "Stop with this nonsense, Balzeride! This is not a game! If you proceed with this foolishness any further...I will deal with you right here and now!"

"That's right. I'd prefer you stop joking around now," Krulcifer states.

Balzeride touches Fafnir's shoulder with Aji Dahaka's hand. "Kuku...How cold you are, my future wife," says Balzeride, before Krulcifer knocks his hand off. "But...if you insist, then I shall defeat this Abyss even before you. There'll be no problem then, right?"

Krulcifer quickly moves towards the Abyss, as Lisha berates Krulcifer. "Pull back, Krulcifer! We must temporarily withdraw and reform."

"I'm fine. It was my hastiness that caused this problem in the first place...And there's not much time left," replies Krulcifer.

"Oh, how reliable. It seems you still have some strength left," Balzeride states. "But..."

Krulcifer tries to activate 'Wise Blood', however nothing happens. Shocked, she stands still, as the Abyss continues to move towards her.

'Her movements slowed?!' thinks (Y/N).

(Y/N) moves in blocking the hit with his sword. Unfortunately the hit is much stronger than anticipated, causing the sword to break and for the swipe to launch the boy towards the ground. After impact, a cloud of smoke covers the field. (Y/N) slowly gets up seeing the arm of his armor torn off. He quickly ignores it, looking towards Krulcifer, who groans in slight pain, not far behind him.

"A-are you alright?" (Y/N) asks.

His worry gets replaced with fear, as the Abyss comes out of the smoke and launches a swipe at (Y/N). Lux comes out from the top, locking his sword with the Abyss, as he struggles to keep the Abyss at bay. 

"Quick! Move!" Lux demands.

Before (Y/N) can make a move the Abyss's arm gets cut off, relieving any stress. The axe pins the Abyss down, as (Y/N) looks closely at the weapon in shock.

"Halberd..." whispers (Y/N), before looking towards Balzeride.

"Khaha...As I thought, you're incapable of competing with me, failed Knight. This my victory, no?" Balzeride questions with a smug smirk. 

(Y/N) grits his teeth, before thinking. 'It couldn't be...From there he predicted the Diablos' follow-up and threw Halberd? It doesn't make sense...If he predicted an attack, there's no way he could tell where in the cloud of smoke it would appear out of...But how did he...'

He's snapped out of his thoughts by Lisha, as she warns the boys. "Lux! (Y/N)! Don't relax just yet."

(Y/N) looks back at the Abyss, seeing it kneeling and screaming, as a bright light comes releasing from it.

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