Chapter 12: Expedition

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Lux and (Y/N) are sat in the common room, the latter seeming much more tired and with heavy bags under his eyes. Noct and Lisha are seen standing with papers and Airi sits in a chair with a large bag next to her. Airi hands both Lux and (Y/N) a stack of papers.

"Are you okay (Y/N)? You look quite tired," asks Airi with a worried tone. The group looks at the dark bags under the boy's eyes.

"Yeah! Totally fine. Just stayed up a couple of nights to catch up on work. Krulcifer wanted me to get caught up and I've been drinking some of her delicious black tea to stay awake. Nothing to worry about," (Y/N) reassures.

"Well then. we've done some tests with Miss Lisha and have reports on both your Drag-Rides," informs Noct. "Take a look at this."

Lux quickly flips through the pages, as (Y/N) quickly glances over certain information. 

"These are...?" says Lux, before Noct finishes his sentence.

"Yes, It's an analysis of Bahamut and Wyzex's power output. During the last battle, Noct did the measurement with her Drake," responds Airi. The charts looking around the same between both Drag-Rides. Bahamut seems to be leading in the power and ability category, with Wyzex leading in the speed and agility category. 

"Based on that data, I made some minor adjustments. They don't look like much, but they should make it much easier for you to fight and control the Drag-Ride for much longer now," says Lisha with a confident smile.

'It even includes estimates for the power output and time limit of our Divine Dress,' thinks both boys. 

"Th-thank you so much! Miss Lisha!" says Lux with a bright smile.

"...! Oh, yeah," replies Lisha with a heavy blush on her face. "I-if you're that happy about it, then it was worth working so hard! Ummm...As a reward maybe a hug..."

(Y/N) just chuckles, as Airi replies with a disappointed tone. "Noct and I also helped out."

"Ah, thanks to you too as well," Lux quickly adds with sweat drop.

"Yes. No problem," replies Noct in her expressionless voice.

"Thanks you guys. We're truly grateful that you took time to do this for us," adds (Y/N).

"It doesn't seem like it," whispers Airi, while looking away.

"What'd you say Airi?" replies (Y/N), with a confused expression.

Airi decides to not answer instead keeping a pout, before (Y/N) grabs her wrist, pulls her out of her chair, and towards him.

"Kyah!" shouts Airi in a cute voice, as she falls into (Y/N)'s lap. (Y/N) kisses her cheek, before pulling her into a hug.

"Satisfied now?" replies the boy.

"Y-yeah..." whispers Airi, as she digs her face into (Y/N)'s chest hoping to cover up her blush. Noct simply turns her head in confusion and Lux looks at the two, before giving off a large smile.

"Hey! I'm not finished talking ye-" shouts Lisha, before getting cut off.

"More importantly, it's too early to be thanking us. Take this," says Airi, while still in (Y/N)'s lap, as she hands the large bag to Lux.

Lux and (Y/N) look into the bag, only to be mortified of all the material in it.

"Umm..?" says Lux.

"I prepared all the incomplete maps that have been made of Garden. I've also put in all the past investigation reports, so please verify them," informs Airi.

"I guess we'll help, if you took the time to prepare all of this..." replies (Y/N), with tears falling from his eyes. 

The mood in the room turns serious, as Airi stands up and looks at the two boys. "During the investigation tomorrow...Don't be too reckless...take care of yourself," says Airi with a slight blush.

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