The Glow of Edoneon

Start from the beginning

               I watched her peaceful nature for a while until a wild rage filled the air. With a small smile I leaned down to Sarah's ear. "Time to present you to the king" I whispered. She lay completely still and a thunderous noise vibrated over the sky. My will power had held the rift closed, but now it was ready for an invader. I let out a breath as I released the lock on the rift. I walked over to the hole in the wall. I looked down into the valley and met the eyes of the furious king. He saw my eyes through the new darkness and began to run. I nodded in contentment.

               Before long, the king had barged into the sacred ruins and dashed up the stairs. When he came into the room, a violent wind followed him that swirled around the room and threatened to take away the golden flowers glow. His body grew stiff as if it were frozen in time. He stared down at Sarah with a breath escaping from his lips making his chest tighten and shrink. His strong body knelt down and he reached towards her. The darkness around the room hid his face. The only light in the room radiated from Sarah's body. The king's hand gently touched the soft pink jewel on her sword.

               "Why do you reach for her sword and refrain from the girl?" I asked quietly. As I expected, the king threw my body towards a wall. I allowed him his beginning revenge because of his loss. The force pinned my body unmoving."You killed her" He muttered dumbfounded. "I told her, her kind heart would be her destruction" I answered. "No, you were her destruction. You will pay for her life with yours" He said angrily looking up for the first time since he entered the room. "Take a closer look at your pet" I said motioning to the flowers around her body. "Those fail to help the dead. You kill her then decorate her body like the mourning" He ground out unsheathing his sword. "I would almost assume that you cared for this girl" I said studying him. "She was the answer to getting my kingdom back" He said.

               "Are you aware of the only book written by your grandfather and mine Jareth?" I asked. He examined my face and demeanor carefully. "What of the book of Lileon?" He asked. "Our grandparents wielded the most powerful of forces. When they set forth the laws, they added a section that was written for your kind of situation. Sarah would have brought on your downfall being a human if you love her or not. When I tested her, she began to fail. Only when she sacrificed one of her blades for the protection of blood who betrayed her did I understand. She holds the power of a crystal within her" I said looking into Jareth's eyes for answers.

               "I am aware of the power that used to run through her blood. Why do put off this justice like a coward?" He asked me. "Who gave her the power?" I asked. "You are overstepping your place" Jareth growled. "Am I? I do believe that I hold almost as much power as you. We are both heir to our thrones. The only difference is you're the king to be of the Underground and I am to be king of the Rifts" I said. Jareth squinted his eyes at me confused before recognition crossed his face. "Edoneon" Jareth breathed. "Hello old friend" I said smiling. "You broke that relationship a very long time ago" Jareth said to me standing protectively over Sarah. "I deserve your worst, but I plan on repaying the debt" I said bowing my head slightly. "With killing the only chance of retrieving my castle and title?" He asked raising his eyebrows.  

               "You'll see" I replied. "Remember the book of Lileon I mentioned? Well it tests the hearts and strength of a person or creature. I took Sarah to test her for the purpose in the book. She succeeded, but I feared it was too late. Instead of giving up and letting the Night Crawlers have her, I retrieved her right before they began to feast. I brought her here and covered her in the glowing golden flowers" "You were trying one of the most ancient cross over's. Why would you risk her life to see if she was worthy of being here before her task was finished?" Jareth asked madly. "Jareth, she would never succeed if she were like she was. This was the only way to ensure a victory as long as she lived and you know deep down that it would be like that. Why do you think your father made you travel through the rifts in the first place?" I asked curiously.

               "You either are too scared to lose your title, or you care for the girl's future, but it matters naught to me. Well what do you think now Jareth?" I asked taking a step away from the wall as his force withdrew. "You took my only chance to get back to my life. What does anything matter now? She's dead" Jareth said stiffly. "Is she? Why do you think I would go through all this trouble to get her here now? Those flowers are used as a guide. If I truly was that disgusted in you, I would have let the Night Crawlers have their fun and make their stomachs fat" I admitted walking around the stone Sarah was lying on.

               "Her heart lacks a beat and her face has lost its color. How can you sell that to me that she may still be alive? Within the quill of a Night Crawler is enough poison to kill two fae" He snarled. "Because she isn't here, and if you recall from the book, the quill to a human causes bigger changes. Her human body may be dead, but her mind is very much alive. Your precious Sarah is in her 'dream world' it's where the mind goes in protection of the person while the body undergoes a transformation. The only concerning part is if the mind returns. Most of the people who undergo this transformation are lost in their dream world and never return to their body. The glow of these flowers somehow reached through the dream with their enticing glow and sweet smell to draw the person back. As we both know. If she is able to find the strength to return, Sarah will no longer be a human. Sarah whatever her heart longs to be" I explained.

               "What can we do to help?" Jareth asked. "My old friend, the best we can do is wait. When she starts to come back you may reach out, but only if she is struggling to return fully. There is no guarantee she will make it. Everything is up to her" I said before both of our gazes were cast to Sarah who lay unmoving, unsure if she was strong enough or if she would give in to her dreams.  "She's done it once, she can do it again" Jareth muttered. 

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